image source, Instagram @fit_aitana
Comment on the picture, Aitana Lopez is the most famous of a new wave of AI influencers
- Author, confirm it
- role, IT Journalist – Barcelona
16 minutes ago
AI-powered model and influencer, Aitana Lopez, earns thousands of dollars a month from brand deals and sponsorships for the creators based in Barcelona.
Aitana launched a year ago and has attracted more than 330,000 followers on Instagram, making it the most popular of a new wave of AI influencers.
The pink-haired woman, in her twenties, is marketed as a healthy, fitness-loving person with the perfect body of a Hollywood star.
But critics are concerned about the message it sends to young girls, especially since Aitana is sponsored by sports brands and food companies, but doesn’t exist in the real world.
This virtual influencer was created by the Spanish advertising agency Clueless, which started experimenting with artificial generation intelligence, because they wanted to gain more control over the models it uses in advertising campaigns.
The group invited the BBC to a production preview, where they demonstrated how to create images for Aitana’s Instagram page, as well as short video clips for her stories on the app.
“Our intention is always to try to do like what the real influencers are doing,” says Sofia Novalis at the agency.
Comment on the picture, Clueless takes photos in natural settings and then places Aitana in those photos
“We take a picture of where I am, and then we have to replace it with AI, so we have to play a little bit with the lights and shadows to make it as real as possible,” she said.
In the studio, designers demonstrate how easy it is to fit Aitana into their landscape.
With a few clicks, Sofia was removed, and the AI image generator was then instructed to add Aitana to the image in her place.
After a few seconds, the computer program came up with about a dozen different pictures of Aitana in different positions and in different clothes.
Sofia says that Aitana’s success is due not only to the realistic images, but also to the stories and subtitles.
The group gives the impression that Aitana is a real influencer who has a great lifestyle.
image source, Instagram @fit_aitana
Comment on the picture, Aitana offers publications sponsored by companies that produce products and services
The group does not routinely classify individual photos as artificial intelligence, but an account is marked as created by artificial intelligence according to Instagram’s rules.
Many AI influencers and models are coming to Instagram, since the rise of the AI generation began.
Using just a few sentences of text, AI image generators can draw any image the user wants.
Many of the AI models being created directly target male fans with highly sexualized images of women.
Some critics like Danae Mercer, an American self-love influencer, say that models send a bad message to young girls and boys.
“I see big problems with the rise of supermodels and AI influencers,” she says.
She said: “I think they set an unrealistic standard of beauty, close enough to being real, that a lot of people who follow them don’t realize they’re not real, especially teenagers.
Aitana’s creators even made commercials for sports and nutrition brands, showing the model in gyms.
We asked the group if it was morally wrong to pretend that Aitana was going to the gym and that she is careful about her diet so that she can get a slim figure.
Clueless claims that this type of content is no different from the “false perfection” we see in the models of real influencers on Instagram, using filters or airbrushing techniques.
“You see this everywhere in the advertising industry,” said Sofia Novalis “If you compare Aitana to other influencers, she looks like the rest. “
The advertising agency is currently experimenting with more diverse AI models, but it seems that they are still not popular with clients or audiences.