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Artificial intelligence guru Sam Altman was fired from his own company

Sam Altman – one of the brightest stars of the burgeoning artificial intelligence industry, a man who has become for many the spokesman for artificial intelligence – was unceremoniously dumped by the company he co-founded – OpenAI.

It became a flagship with the ChatGPT application, Reuters summarized.

The other co-founder, Greg Brockman, who was fired from the board minutes after Altman, said both men were shocked by how suddenly it happened.

There were only six people on that board, including Brockman and Altman. This means that this decision to remove the two leading entrepreneurs was made by only four. What happened to cause this small group to act so decisively and so quickly? This is rhetorically noted by the BBC.

AP recalled that OpenAI has no financial problems and the company is gasping for investment because the ChatGPT app brings it millions.

We recall that Sam Altman, as CEO of OpenAI, addressed world leaders in discussions about the risks and benefits posed by the powerful technology he pioneered.

He kept reminding that artificial intelligence (AI) is “a tool, not a creature” and seemed honest about his fears that one day his creature can spiral out of control.

Just two weeks ago, Sam Altman was in the UK for the world’s first AI Safety Summit as one of around 100 global delegates. Last week, the entrepreneur gave a speech about the future of his company and its technology.

Artificial intelligence has been in our lives for centuries – curating our social media feeds, recommending movies on video streaming platforms, playing a role in calculating our insurance premiums, but everything changed with ChatGPT.

2023-11-18 19:27:33
#Artificial #intelligence #guru #Sam #Altman #fired #company

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