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Artificial intelligence applied to eco-mobility, theme of the 5th edition of the AMSA Hackaton

The final of the 5th edition of the ” Alten Morocco Software Awards ” competition intended to encourage young IT talents, was held on December 10, 2020 at the UEMF eco-campus.

Organized by the Euromed University of Fez and its partner ALTEN DELIVERY CENTER MAROC, the final of the 5th edition of the AMSA competition, which this year had as its theme “Artificial intelligence applied to eco-mobility” was a resounding success as well as the presence of an audience of first-rate guests.

Several guests present at this final

In addition to the representatives of the local authorities, and Prof. Mostapha Bousmina, President of the Euromed University of Fez, this final was attended by:

  • Mrs. Veronique Dan, Consul General of the French Republic in Fez;
  • Amine Zerrouk, Director General of ALTEN Morocco;
  • Didier Marchet, Technical Director of the ALTEN group;
  • HananHanzaz, Director of UNIDO for the Morocco region;
  • Omar Seghrouchni, President of the CNDP;
  • Khalid El Bikri, Director of ENSET in Rabat;
  • Mustapha Ijjaali, Dean of the FST of Fez;
  • OULDIM Karim the Director of the Cancer Research Center;
  • Representatives of the CCG.

Eleven finalists supported by eleven innovative projects

Following the semi-final which took place on December 09, 11 innovative projects led by 11 finalists, with diverse skills and cultural origins, defended their projects in front of a jury made up of experts in fields related to Management. and artificial intelligence, represented by professors from UEMF as well as mentors specializing in the theme of this edition.

All project leaders were able to benefit from personalized coaching thanks to a series of workshops given by a team of “Hack & Pitch” professionals, during the 36 hours of hard work trying to find concrete solutions in order to to achieve a viable and convincing business model.

« Innovation requires a lot of work, a lot of intelligence, but above all a critical mind while trying to constantly seek the truth and to establish intellectual filters. »Is the key to success that Prof. Mostapha Bousmina delivered to all the participants of this edition to further advance research and innovation. It is also thanks to the partnership of UEMF with the company ALTEN Morocco, that this unprecedented edition was able to see the light of day and allow the various candidates to convert their ideas into projects / prototypes.

The Winners of the 5thAMSA edition

The competition was won this year by the duo Walid Raiss El Fenni and Adam El Moueffak, 2nd year students at the School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (EIDIA) of UEMF with their “Smart Helmet” project, a smart helmet that detects fatigue and drowsiness in motorcycle users by spotting brain activities. Second place went to Wafaa Hamdaoui, student at the School of Digital Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (EIDIA) of UEMF with her project “Ali Bike”. An intelligent and eco-responsible bike made up of an electric part, allowing mechanical energy to be channeled to keep movement without human intervention, and another intelligent part which consists of providing a GPS system and remote measurement video sensors for identifying obstacles. Finally, third place went to Ayoub Abani, student at the FST of Béni Mellal who presented the “Mobility AI” project, a system allowing drivers to ensure their safety in the face of an obstacle on the road thanks to sensitive and reactive detectors that alert the driver in real time and automatically reduce speed. Despite the current difficult conditions, these young talents have succeeded in winning the hearts of the jury with their innovative project.

As a reminder, technically sound and economically viable projects will be incubated in the new UEMF platforms.

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