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Artificial blood: Researchers produce universal blood

New universal blood procedure: Will transfusions between humans and animals soon be possible?

Researchers have found a way to modify blood so that it can be used universally

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Ludwig Werny

Researchers have developed a process to convert donated blood of any blood group into a kind of universal blood. This can be safely transfused again regardless of the blood group – even between humans and animals

Blood reserves are in short supply in Germany. Only about three percent of the population donates blood regularly – although, according to the German Red Cross, about 14,000 blood donations are needed every day. To date, there is still no artificially produced substitute for blood. Therefore, after accidents, cancer treatment, operations or immune diseases, a blood transfusion with donor blood is the only chance of survival for many people. It is important that the blood groups are compatible, otherwise the blood can clot – with life-threatening consequences.

An international team of researchers from the South China University of Technology has now managed to get around this problem. The researchers changed the surface of donated red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the laboratory and thereby created a kind of universal blood. This could then be used regardless of the blood group. In addition, the process even made it possible for blood to be donated between humans and animals. The new process could “revolutionize” blood transfusions in the future, concludes Wei Zhu, head of the Studywhich was recently published in the journal “PNAS”.

Antigens determine the blood group

Red blood cells have sugar and proteins on their surface, which act as “antigens”. There are four main blood groups: blood group A has antigen A, blood group B has antigen B; if both antigens are present, it is called blood group AB, if there are no antigens on the cells, it is blood group 0. There is also the Rhesus factor: This is indicated as positive or negative, depending on whether the Rhesus D antigen is present. An incorrect combination of antigens, for example due to unsuitable donor blood, leads to a defensive reaction of the immune system – the blood clots and blocks blood vessels. This can result in heart attacks or strokes.

Zhu’s team has now developed a method to shield these antigens on the cell surface of erythrocytes and thus inactivate them. In the laboratory, the researchers created a protective silicon-based shell around the red blood cells. “It is a simple and inexpensive process: it can be carried out in any laboratory with minimal equipment and no specialist knowledge,” says Zhu. They then used these cells as a blood transfusion in rats and mice, regardless of their blood group. The coated blood cells behaved like blood cells without antigens and were able to bypass immune recognition. All of the blood’s natural functions were retained.

Blood bag on drip against blue background

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Thousands of people die every year in Germany from blood loss. There is a lack of donations and substances that can be administered quickly and easily in an emergency. Synthetic blood is intended to close this gap. Researchers are competing for the best recipe. Because a lifeblood from the laboratory could, in an ideal case, even overcome the weaknesses of real blood.

What was also extraordinary was that the artificial blood could even be used across species. This was a first in medicine. Normally, the different surface antigens of animals and humans lead to severe immune reactions. In the researchers’ experiments, however, a blood transfusion of human blood into rodents was possible without complications. According to Zhu, this breakthrough has “the potential to revolutionize future clinical applications.”

The researchers have thus created the basis for a process for producing a type of universal blood. This could be used in the future on people with different blood groups. However, there is still a long way to go before it can be used for medical purposes. So far, the experiments have only been carried out on animals. The next steps for the further development of the manipulated blood would be thorough and long-term clinical studies to assess the dangers and how the cells function in the human body.


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