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Artifacts from Roman times found in Lviv region

Photo: Lviv Regional State Administration

Karov as an archaeological find – the discovery of the century, scientists say

Archaeologists have found in the burial fragments of two glass goblets, which have no analogues in Ukraine.

Archaeologists have discovered new sensational finds from the times of the Roman Empire near the village of Karov, Chervonograd district, Lviv region. About this the day before reported Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

“Exploration excavations of the newly discovered monument of the times of the Germanic tribes have discovered two new unique archaeological objects: a burial with ritual objects inside and an in-depth structure, the purpose of which remains a mystery,” the message says.

The find is dated to the beginning of the 3rd century. n. e. and is attributed to the Wielbar culture, which was left by the East German tribes of the Goths.

“In the burial, apart from human remains, archaeologists found fragments of two glass goblets, which have no analogues in Ukraine. Such tokens were used for Roman board games, “said Elena Vasilko, director of the Department of Architecture and Urban Development of the Lviv Regional Administration.

They began to explore the surroundings of the village of Karov back in 2017.

“Karov as an archaeological find is a discovery of the century. And not only for Ukraine: the bronze cauldron with attaches in the form of male figures, which we found earlier, is the third find in the world. In addition, the burial ground testifies that people lived in these territories, about the existence which is still unknown in the Ukrainian territories. We assume that this is a group of people from the Middle Danube who settled here as a result of extraordinary circumstances, namely the so-called Markoman wars of 166-180, “said the head of the excavation, associate professor of the Department of Archeology of Lviv National University them. Ivana Franko Yaroslav Onischuk.

Earlier it was reported that in Ternopil study the human skull 3 thousand years old… He belonged to the Vysotsky culture. Archaeologists scanned the ancient find with a CT scanner.

28 ancient graves were excavated in the Nikolaev region

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