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Artemis Agreement: NASA Leads the Future of Lunar Exploration – Latest News

SPACE — The moon is one of the space objects that will be explored a lot in the future. To regulate exploration on the Moon, the countries involved signed the so-called Artemis agreement or Artemis Accord.

Reporting from SpaceThe Artemis Agreement provides a framework for collaborating countries as they enter the era of lunar exploration.

The Artemis Treaty is a series of statements that establishes general principles, guidelines and best practices applicable to safe lunar exploration. Furthermore, it is hoped that the Artemis Agreement will serve as a guideline when expanding the duration of space missions and their reach to Mars.

The American Space Agency (NASA) now has the Artemis program which aims to start a new era of space exploration on the Moon. NASA wants to put the first woman and person of color on the moon by 2024.

Although NASA is leading the program, international partnerships with many countries and private companies are critical to the success of future lunar missions.

NASA leads the Artemis program

The Artemis Agreement was initiated by NASA. The purpose of this agreement is to establish a common set of principles to ensure missions that fall under the Artemis mission umbrella are carried out responsibly.

Co-led by NASA and the US Department of State, the Artemis Accords were signed at the national, rather than organizational, level. The countries that signed the treaty did so voluntarily.

“Artemis will be the broadest and most diverse international human space exploration program in history, and the Artemis Accords are the vehicle that will create this single global coalition,” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in 2020 when the Artemis Accords were established.

The Artemis Treaty was first signed by eight countries in October 2020. Representatives of the signatory countries met in person for the first time at the International Astronautical Congress in Paris on September 19, 2022.

In terms of scope, the agreement relates to activities in orbit, on the surface and below the surface of the moon, Mars, comets and asteroids. This agreement also includes stable orbital points known as Lagrangian points for the Earth-moon system and is applied to objects transiting between the celestial body and that location.

One of the main principles of the Artemis Treaty is to emphasize the importance of countries complying with the Outer Space Treaty issued in 1967. Additionally, the treaty confirms the importance of the Rescue and Return Treaty opened in 1968.

This agreement emphasizes the responsibility of countries to safely return astronauts and equipment to Earth. There are also further policies related to outer space such as the Liability Convention in 1972 and the Registration Convention in 1975.

2023-12-22 10:41:00
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