Home » today » World » Artem Shylo, ex-adviser of the OP – an official of the SBU was detained for corruption – Ukraine

Artem Shylo, ex-adviser of the OP – an official of the SBU was detained for corruption – Ukraine

SAP and NABU exposed an organized group that took possession of 95 million hryvnias for the purchase of transformers for Ukrzaliznytsia. It was headed by an ex-adviser of the OP. Sources of TSN.ua claim that it is about the former adviser of the President’s Office and SBU official Artem Shil.

TSN.ua collected everything that is known about the person involved and the scandalous story.

Scheme details

According to law enforcement officers, the organized group (OG) was created in 2021 to control the money of Ukrzaliznytsia.

In the period from June to December 2022, the head of the OG through controlled officials of “Ukrzaliznytsia” ensured the selection of a predetermined company as a supplier of power transformers. The delivery was made at an inflated cost.

The letter “Regarding threats to state security” was cynically used as the basis for rejecting the offers of other procurement participants with significantly more favorable price terms.

A former adviser to the OP was exposed for embezzlement

The supplier company is connected with the Russian Federation and Belarus

The Belarusian citizenship of the controller of the company that “won” the tender and his connections with the Russian Federation were ignored.

This “winner” through a controlled gasket company registered in Bulgaria purchased transformers from a manufacturer in Uzbekistan and resold the transformers at a price almost doubled.

As a result, “Ukrzaliznytsia” suffered losses in the amount of UAH 94.8 million, which were seized by the participants of the crime. The court seized UAH 53 million on the bank accounts of the supplier company.

So far, the leader, co-organizer and two members of the organized group have been detained.

A former adviser to the OP was exposed for embezzlement

Who is this “mysterious” head of the OG, whose name the law enforcement officers do not say

One of the first named the name is journalist Oleg Novikov, who reports on NABU/SAP affairs.

“Among the suspects: former adviser to the President’s Office, SBU official Artem Shilo. He is the one, according to the investigation, who heads this organized group. He was detained,” the journalist noted.

A number of other Ukrainian publications also wrote that Artem Shilo is involved in the case.

Oleksandr Klymenko, Head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, commented ZN.UA confirmed that it was about Sheel.

What is known about Artem Shil

Artem Shilo has been working in the SBU since 2012. In 2016, he started working in the Department for Combating Cybercrimes.

According to the publication “Our money” at the beginning of Zelenskyi’s administration, Artem Shilo worked in the SBU as a deputy of the Department of Counterintelligence Protection of State Interests in the Information Security Sector.

In 2021, the immediate chief of the SBU, Oleksii Korniychuk, from the Information Security Department, and the current head of the SBU, Vasyl Malyuk, who at that time was the first deputy head of the SBU – head of the main department for combating corruption and organized crime (department “K”), were dismissed from the SBU.

Work in OP

In 2021, Shilo resigned from the SBU and became an adviser to the President’s Office.

In an interview BIHUS Info in November 2022, he spoke succinctly and reluctantly about his new job at the OP.

  • Journalist (Female): Who invited you to the President’s Office?
  • Shilo (Ш): This is closed information.
  • Z: Who did you advise there?
  • Sh: I am not a personal adviser of Andriy Borisovich (Yermak) or Oleg Yuriyovych (Tatarov). He dealt with the issue of reforming the bodies of the Security Service of Ukraine. Provided consultations in private communication. (….) Consulted Tatarov on changes in criminal procedural legislation.

Return to SBU

In the summer of 2022, Shilo returned to work at the SBU, where he became the head of the main department of counterintelligence protection of critical infrastructure facilities and countering terrorist financing. The media noted that he returned to the SBU immediately after Vasyl Malyuk headed the service.

According to information Forbes Ukraineas of March 2024, Shilo no longer heads the main department of counterintelligence protection of critical infrastructure facilities and countering terrorist financing of the SBU, but remained working in the structure of the Security Service.

Scandals and connection with Tatarov

U investigation Lesya Ivanova told Bihus.Info that Artem Shilo had allegedly accumulated nearly $4 million in assets over ten years in the civil service.

“In anonymous commissioned publications, he was accused of stealing money from bank accounts, allegedly carried out with the help of hackers, whose activities were controlled by the department (in the field of information security. – Ed.) Shyla”, – writes “Our Money”. However, at that time there was no evidence of corruption in the official’s activities.

In addition, he “lit up” in the scandal with the Russian bookmaker 1xBet, which was granted a license in Ukraine in April 2022.

Screenshot from the InformNapalm article

“Looking for the railway”

In some mass media, Shila is called a “railway watcher”. Allegedly, the official was related to Yevgeny Lyashchenko, the former head of Rinat Akhmetov’s “Ukraine Media Group”, who was appointed a member of the board of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 2021.

Communication with Tatarov

In addition, investigative journalists claim that Shilo is on friendly terms with Oleg Tatarov, the deputy head of the office of the President of Ukraine.

Oleg Tatarov / Photo: UNIAN

According to information from open sources, his late mother, Olga Shylo, was the head of the department of criminal process and investigative activities of the National University of Law named after Yaroslav the Wise (Kharkiv). She was a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Criminal Justice along with the current Deputy Head of the Office of the President Oleg Tatarov.

Tatarov is criticized for the fact that during the Revolution of Dignity he worked as the deputy head of the Main Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the leadership of Vitaly Zakharchenko. Tatarov oversaw criminal proceedings against Euromaidan activists.


Investigators “Scheme” discovered that Shila’s family owns an estate near Kyiv registered to his father, who also worked in the SBU. It is about a cottage in “Zoloche” (Vishenki village) in Boryspil district.

According to the information of the investigators, as of 2022, Shilo owned two three-room apartments in the elite residential complex “Novopecherski Lypky”. The market value of two apartments reaches about 720 thousand dollars.

Photo: bihus.info

His wife Iryna had a two-room apartment worth 270 thousand dollars and 360 square meters in the same building. meters of commercial real estate for $1.8 million. Iryna Shylo also had 275 square meters. meters of space in the clubhouse in the center of Kyiv, on Tarasivska Street. The cost is about 950 thousand dollars.

In addition, two Mercedes cars with a combined value of $115,000 and a Toyota Camry for $124,000 were registered to her.

Cars of Artem Shil’s wife / Photo: bihus.info

Most of the family’s property was registered to Iryna Shilo. True, she became successful and rich after the wedding.

▶ On the TSN YouTube channel, you can watch the video at this link:

NEW CORRUPTION SCANDAL! The ex-adviser of the President’s Office was caught red-handed!

Earlier it was reported that the Security Service, with the assistance of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, exposed a scheme of embezzlement of state funds during the purchase of ammunition.

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