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Art or disrespect for our national symbols

In a country where buses are burning in the streets, and there are people who cry out for food, and where the demands of society are so diverse and so deep that it seems that no government, no matter how good, can extract afloat to the country, talking about music or painting, or about a podcast of stories, feels almost irresponsible. However, the role of art and letters in these moments when the panorama looks so black, becomes more relevant than ever, because we are going to kill each other with bullets and stones, if we do not manage to express our discontent and opinion. in some other less violent and more creative way.

The arts move us, inspire us, make us uncomfortable, and above all, they invite us to see things from another perspective. That is why I celebrate all the ways that people take risks to express their individuality. However, I have to admit that I was somewhat disconcerted to hear the version of the “national anthem”, composed by a young musician that incorporates a: “the-united-people-will-never-be-defeated”. I also confess that I have been outraged by the photographs and artistic compositions that appear these days on social networks with the flag of Colombia, upside down. About this sample, they have given me several explanations, but I still do not understand how our glorious upside down flag, or compositions of the shield full of rats, can contribute to generate hope for the future of Colombia. Not being able to appreciate the artistic value of these forms, it is perhaps because they taught me that our national symbols are sacred, that they represent values ​​that transcend the government of the day, any conflict, at any time, and therefore are untouchable, even for artists.

Symbols are powerful, said Saint Augustine, because they are visible signs of invisible realities. In the case of the national symbols, they represent our common history and the values ​​that all Colombians share, regardless of our differences, that is, they exalt unity, perhaps that is why these new manifestations of the anthem and the flag disturb me so much. It would seem that rather they invite division. That’s what I feel, and I can’t help feeling it. But on a rational level I am willing to let myself be bothered by these expressions, because I believe that the courage of people who seek to communicate their point of view in a creative way outweighs the annoyance they may generate. Also because putting limits on art would be like putting limits on freedom of expression.

The danger in both cases is that this would mean that there is a higher power capable of determining what is considered acceptable and what is prohibited, what can be said and what should be banned, what is considered art and what is rubbish. Duchamp’s famous urinal, figures made with frozen blood, photos stained with toothpaste, for example, or the songwriter’s hymn, do not generate much empathy, however, they are peaceful ways of transmitting a message, and in that sense they deserve respect. . Perhaps we can coexist better if we recognize expressions of how others see life. It is also true that artistic proposals are opening new paths; The talented Kid Pambelé, was criticized for boxing with shorts stamped with the Colombian flag, today we all have T-shirts, socks and underpants with the tricolor.

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