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Art is invited to the science festival 2022 | ECOSCIENCES

Also this year, the M1 CCST invaded the science festival!
For this 2022 edition, for the occasion we have also arrived from the future…
We were released for 10 days to cover events regarding art and science in and around Grenoble.

The strike team in question.

For this, we have assembled a shocking team: Valentin (3.0) our clown and talented video editor, (Cyber) Yulia superb coordinator and illustrator, (Punk) Camille our budding director and technician, (Néo) Flavie our invaluable communicator and editor.

After organizing a schedule, the adventure really begins with a brilliant idea: “What if we came from the future?”.
All enthusiastic about this red thread, it gave us many ideas for content. It is decided, science festival 2022 will be visited from Command of the future 3000.
Inspired by “Back to the Future”, “The Visitor from the Future” and many others, we started to create our own “computer identity”.

The first show we attended took place in La Casemate, where the Théâtre D’Anoukis company performed its live performance: Le Commando de combat contre le climat warming. After the show, we chatted with one of the actors, Cédric Danielo, and the director Baija Lidaouane.

We spent the day at the Vizille Locomotive on Saturday. We signed up for several events: the mobile planetarium presented by Aurélien Schoettel, the Auroralpes Planeterrella and the lightpainting workshop. The latter was organized by Jadikan: an artist who allowed us to experience this little-known art form. We had a fascinating discussion with Jadikan about light painting and his story which will serve as the basis for a Twitter thread.
At the end of the day, we wrote and recorded lyrics for a teaser. He is there to present the project, the context and the protagonists. We decide that this teaser will be the beginning of a series of episodes on art and science.

Otherwise, we have five events left to cover but two are canceled a few days early.
The two appointments on Wednesday: the conference”Art and Mathematics” and the “Spontaneous conferencee”, fortunately it turned out to be very interesting. They give us material to write 2 episodes, which compensate for the canceled events.

We had to face many obstacles which prevented us from working.

We arrive at the last appointment, the weather is fine and the guided tour of the Viscose Museum promises well. But there, one sees, having arrived at the site, one reads at the entrance that the museum is exceptionally closed. Nothing is marked on the site and the organizers contacted in advance did not warn us…
Make no mistake, it wasn’t that little disappointment that stopped us. Because yes, the science festival is over, but we still have work to do!

Over the next 7 weeks, we wrote, filmed, recorded, edited and released the promised 3 episodes. It was all long, tiring… but so rewarding. We have all had great pleasure in letting our creativity speak to make the videos and the whole universe around the Com’mando.
We also had amazing encounters with artists, scientists and many more!

The science festival was a real springboard for us to create and talk about science. And… Good news! We liked the experience so much that the CDF 3000 continued its videos even after the science fair!!

You can find them on our Youtube channel right here → https://www.youtube.com/@LeCom-mandoDuFutur3000/videos

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