Home » today » News » “Art FUN Ticket Normalization” is here! 1200 head per person to receive the exposure of the qualification | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

“Art FUN Ticket Normalization” is here! 1200 head per person to receive the exposure of the qualification | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Political center / Reported by Huang Yunxuan

The Ministry of Culture will launch the “Normalization of Voucher Art FUN”! Today (24) the Hitachi court convened the commission on education and culture. Culture Minister Li Yongde confirmed that he will refer to European cases. At the moment, the first wave of distribution will be “young people over the age of 18”. It is estimated that 1,200 yuan will be distributed to each person. The hall’s OPENIX platform is used to complete the relevant programs.

On the 24th, the Legislative Yuan convened the Education and Culture Committee. Lawmaker Wan Meiling demanded that the Ministry of Culture had previously proposed normalizing “art FUN vouchers”, and the first wave of distribution groups would be “young people over 18 years old”. In this regard, Culture Minister Li Yongde confirmed the news, revealing that the Ministry of Culture has a budget of 200 million yuan, which should be used to subsidize 18-year-olds.

However, there are currently more than 217,000 18-year-olds in Taiwan: if calculated with a budget of 200 million yuan, each person can only receive 921 yuan. Li Yongde said 921 yuan is definitely not enough and that they will continue to raise 100 million yuan from the private sector. In principle, the plan is “every 18-year-old can get 1,200 yuan”.

Regarding the scope of use of this first wave of “Normalization of Art FUN Vouchers”, the current plan will be compared with the previous “Art FUN Vouchers”, which can be used in films, libraries and art and cultural exhibitions. .

▲ Culture Minister Li Yongde confirmed that FUN tickets will be issued to the first wave of ethnic groups with “young people over 18”. (image / photo data)

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