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Art for the ‘Glorious Passion’

The dioramas on scenes of the Passion will be able to be seen from tomorrow in the cloister of the Seminary. / THE ADVANCE

Starting tomorrow, Friday, March 19, solemnity of Saint Joseph, the cloister of Segovia Seminar reopens its doors to present an unpublished exhibition so far: ‘Glorious Passion’, the I Exhibition of Sargas and Dioramas. The sanitary conditions allow to resume an initiative that last year had to be suspended due to the confinement by the Covid-19.

Under the title ‘Glorious Passion’, The exhibition serves so that the viewer can contemplate the mystery of Christ in this time of Lent, with which Christians prepare to live the intense days of the Easter week and the joy of Resurrection. With this sample we want to signify the life given of all those priests, religious and laity who understand and offer their life, now more than ever, as a glorious passion, according to the diocese in a press release.

More than twenty pieces are collected in this exhibition with a marked catechetical character. On the one hand, there are seven sergas on display, paintings on canvas decorated with motifs from the Passion. Some pieces that used to be used to cover, as a sign of mourning, the altarpieces and images of the temples, moving the parishioners to meditate on their mysteries.

On the other hand, the Complutense Association of Nativity Scenes of Alcalá de Henares has collaborated with the contribution of thirteen dioramas in which miniature scenes are represented showing moments of the passion, death, and resurrection of the Mister. In short, the Holy Scripture transferred to art and put at the service of evangelization.

The exhibition is completed by other art and liturgical pieces that introduce the visitor to the reflective environment in a space that, thanks to initiatives such as this and the Monumental Nativity Scene, a gap has been created in the cultural offer of the city.

Anyone who wants to visit this careful exhibition will be able to visit the seminar’s cloister from March 19 to April 12 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. In addition, on Sundays and holidays it will also be open from 12 to 14 hours in the morning.

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