Home » today » Entertainment » Art and music in front gardens and driveways: Applications for mini-concerts possible from now on: cultural taxes roll through the district – OWL

Art and music in front gardens and driveways: Applications for mini-concerts possible from now on: cultural taxes roll through the district – OWL

And this is how it works: People from the entire Höxter district can now become mini-organizers and get a band in front of the house for a serenade concert. It starts on May 29th with the Paderborn “Goodbeats”. The band is available for five 20-minute performances that day. The short concerts should be between 4.30 p.m. and around 10 p.m.

The Goodbeats present rock and pop from the current charts, Eurodance hits from the 90s, funk and soul classics from the 70s, Latin hits and rock’n’roll classics in duos. The formation formed in 2012 and has played more than 500 concerts to date. “We are very happy to be able to present the Goodbeats as the first band. She gave us the idea for the project and gave us a lot of experience with mobile appearances, ”Scherfeder emphasized in the press release.

Electricity connection and free parking space required

So that the culture taxi can also be active on site, a power connection and a free parking space are required. The band brings the stage and technology with them – and is ready to go within minutes. Applications for locations where the taxi can be parked are now being accepted via the www.kulturtaxi.net website.

“Of course, the currently applicable Corona Protection Ordinance must be complied with on site. We coordinate with the local regulatory authorities and clarify with each participant in advance the distances and contact restrictions to be observed, ”explains Menne. In order to avoid the risk of large crowds, the selected locations and dates should remain secret. Only the invited guests of the hosts learn about these exclusive, very special performances and are entitled to participate.

Ten days of action

Thanks to funding, the association only needs 100 euros for refinancing. The Kulturtaxi project is supported by “Neustart Kultur” funding from the Socioculture Fund. The cultural taxes are to be rolled out on a total of ten days of action. Further dates are currently being planned in consultation with other associations of the organizer network Kulturvereinigung OWL.

Artists can also be booked independently of these subsidized tours via www.kulturtaxi.net: A total of 28 mobile offers are currently on offer. These include, for example, a Westernhagen cover program, a reading by two actresses, an Elvis impersonator, clowns, compressed air music and a poetry slammer.

“The range is really large with concerts, verbal contributions, artistry, magic and much more,” Menne describes and adds: “We are happy to finally be able to bring music, joy and emotions to people again with the culture taxis. For more than a year there has been nothing culturally in front of a real audience, apart from a few exceptions. ”

The artists have also waited a long time to be able to look into real faces again. “Everyone is sorely needed after this long dry spell,” says Olaf Menne.

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