The police came to pick them up in the early morning at their homes. Four trade unionists from the CGT Bouches-du-Rhône, members of the mines and energies section, were arrested and placed in police custody at the police station of the northern division of Marseille. This trade union section, which notably includes workers from Enedis, a subsidiary of EDF responsible for the management and development of the electricity distribution network in France, has claimed several “Robin Hood” actions by savagely passing electricity meters artisans in difficulty at reduced or free rates since the surge in gas and energy prices.
This Tuesday, they also claimed power cuts from various institutions in Marseille, including the newspaper Provence and the prefecture. Actions carried out as part of social mobilization against the pension reform that the National Assembly could vote definitively on Thursday.
“We cannot fail to make the connection between the forced passage of the government to the National Assembly and this other form of forced passage which is the repression of the movement”, commented the CGT 13. At 2 p.m., a hundred people gathered at the call of the inter-union in front of the prefecture of Marseille to denounce “the use of repression against trade unionists in struggle”.
For the time being, the facts of which the four trade unionists are in custody are not yet known. “We would blame them for acts committed in June 2022”, advanced Jérémy Bacchi, PCF senator from Bouches-du-Rhône, who does not rule out asserting his right to visit places of deprivation of liberty if they do not were not released in the afternoon. The elected communist also wonders about “the concomitance of the calendar” and these warnings “in police custody the day after an important day of mobilization”.
Asked, the Marseille prosecutor’s office could not respond immediately on the possible legal consequences.