Offenbach (ots)
Main-Kinzig area
Controls in the city center: Two suspects arrested after attempting dangerous bodily harm – Hanau
(fg) Officers from the Hanau I police station were together with the riot police on Monday evening at the parking lot in Rappengasse, Metzgerstraße, Ramsaystraße, in the area of Johanneskirchplatz, Kanaltorplatz and Jahnhalle. A total of 16 people were checked between 5 p.m. and 1 a.m. When three people were checked in the castle garden, criminal charges were filed on suspicion of violating the Narcotics Act. As the process progressed, checks were carried out in the parking lot on Hochstädter Landstraße with regard to vehicles from the tuner and poser scene. Police officers in civilian clothes found a VW Golf driver who apparently let the engine of his car howl loudly when starting. Further violations were not punished in the area of the Hochstädter Landstrasse. At around 7:30 p.m., a victim reported and stated that there had been an attack on Eugen-Kaiser-Strasse near the Heinrich-Fischer-Bad. Three strangers ambushed him and then attacked him. One tried to hit him with brass knuckles; However, this failed, which is why the 60-year-old remained unharmed. The police officers involved in the control measure were called in to investigate and provisionally arrested two suspects. The duo had just been stopped and checked in Rappengasse as part of the preventive check. There are also indications of the personal details of the third suspect, since the corresponding description applies to a person who was also checked in advance in Rappengasse. Criminal charges on suspicion of attempted dangerous bodily harm were initiated. If you witness the incident, please call the Hanau I police station on 06181 10012-0.
Offenbach, August 8th, 2023, press office, Felix Geis
Questions please contact:
Police Headquarters Southeast Hesse
– press office –
Spessartring 61
63071 Offenbach am Main
Telephone: 069 / 8098 – 1210 (collective number)
Thomas Leipold (lei) – 1201 or 0160 / 980 00745
David Jesse (dj) – 1214 or 0162 / 889 9373
Felix Geis (fg) – 1211 or 0162 / 201 3806
Jennifer Mlotek (jm) – 1212 or 0152 / 090 22567
Alexander Schlueter (as) – 1223 or 0162 / 201 3290
Fax: 0611 / 32766-5014
E-Mail: [email protected]
Original content from: Police Headquarters South East Hessen – Offenbach, transmitted by news aktuell
#POLOF #Controls #city #center #suspects #arrested #attempting #dangerous #bodily #harm #Hanau