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Arrested rioters Coolsingel get restraining order, four injured by police bullets

49 people have been arrested so far for the riots on and around the Coolsingel. Eight of those are still incarcerated. Almost all arrested persons are not allowed to enter certain places in the center and in Rotterdam South until 2 January. Four people were hit by police bullets. This has been announced by the police and the judiciary.

Most of the detainees come from the immediate vicinity of Rotterdam. But some suspects from Brabant and North Holland have also been arrested. Among them are six minors. The majority of the arrested persons are young adults, according to the judiciary.

Justice is looking at which suspects are eligible for a so-called super-fast trial. “It is expected that the first suspects will have to answer to the judge this week.”

Professional secrecy

Some of the injured are still in hospital. “The exact number and nature of the relocations is difficult to get clear, because the hospitals cannot provide all information due to medical professional secrecy,” the police said.

Among the injured is at least one officer who had to be admitted for a wound to his leg. A large number of officers suffered minor injuries and hearing damage Friday evening from flying stones and fireworks. The police and the judiciary strongly deny that anyone was killed in the riots. There were rumors about it on social media.

Minister Grapperhaus of justice said earlier that the police have a good picture of the perpetrators. They would mainly come from circles of football hooligans. Police have assigned a team of twenty detectives to investigate the riot. The National Criminal Investigation Service has also started an investigation, because agents have fired aimed at demonstrators.

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