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Arrested Organizer of Deadly Underground Sewer Tour in Moscow: Latest Updates and Details

Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow arrested the organizer of a deadly excursion to the underground sewer Nikita Dubas for two months, RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the courtroom.

“To satisfy the petition of the investigator,” Judge Irina Zorina announced the decision.

The investigator stated in court that Dubas does not have a permanent income and receives income by conducting excursions, he asked to send the organizer of the excursion into custody for 1 month 29 days, that is, until October 21. He also attached a certificate from the VDNKh weather station with weather data that day.

Dubas himself said that he was not hiding from the investigation, he appeared voluntarily and handed over the password to the phone.

“Due to my illness, constant monitoring of blood sugar levels is required, which I will not be able to carry out in places of deprivation of liberty, I ask you to appoint a preventive measure that is not related to deprivation of liberty,” he said. The lawyer supported him.

Earlier, the same court arrested the head of the Sputnik8.com platform. Alexander Kimon which the announcement of the tour was posted.

According to the investigation, on August 20, a guide was conducting a tour with a group of seven people along the underground collector of the Neglinka River in Moscow, during which a heavy downpour began. The collector flooded, all eight people died, including the guide. The Investigative Committee charged Nikita Dubas and General Director of Sputnik LLC Alexander Kim under an article on the provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of life and health of consumers, committed by a group of persons by prior agreement and resulting in death (Part 3 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Both pleaded not guilty. Another person involved is the director of Avangard LLC Alexander Lazovsky on Monday he flew to the UAE, according to the UK, he was put on the international wanted list.

2023-08-23 22:15:00
#Organizer #excursion #underground #sewer #arrested #Moscow #EADaily

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