Home » today » News » Arrested in Gijón for stealing a surfboard and offering it on an online sales platform | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

Arrested in Gijón for stealing a surfboard and offering it on an online sales platform | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

The National Police has detained a neighbor of Gijón of 47 years by subtract a surf table and offer it on an online sales platform.

The investigation it started last day June 24 when a man 41-year-old from Gijon denounced stealing your table of surfing that she had left leaning against the car while she changed her clothes. The complainant stated that he had left his vehicle parked in an open-air parking lot in the bay of Gijón and while he was finishing cleaning his swimwear, his surfboard had disappeared. He explained that this parking lot is frequented by other people who practice the same sport, so suspected the author of these facts could be a related person with this aquatic activity.

The victim communicated what a tabla similar his was offered in a online shopping platformTherefore, the agents of the El Coto Police Station verified that it was indeed the reported table, which was being offered for a third of its real value. The researchers they got identify the seller that he was arrested as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of theft.

He arrested denied having abducted her and in his defense he said he found her lying in a parking lot, without anyone in his care and had taken her believing that she was abandoned.

The National Police remember that no one can appropriate the effects found on the street thinking they are abandoned. In this case, both the nature of the object, and the place of its location, suggest that it is not an abandoned thing and therefore, the citizen’s duty is report your finding to the authorities pertinent so that it is returned to its legitimate owner and not to stay with it and try to obtain an economic benefit.

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