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Arrest of Choi Mo, Seohyun Station Weapon Riot Suspect: Updates on the Case and Investigation

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Choi Mo, a suspect in the ‘Seohyun Station Weapon Riot’ incident in Bundang, Gyeonggi-do, was arrested a while ago.

Choi, who first appeared to reporters to receive a warrant review, gave no answer to questions about why he had committed the crime and whether he was reflecting.

Police are reviewing Choi’s psychopath test.

This is Reporter Cha Hyun-jin.

◀ Report ▶

A man with a hat pressed deep into his mask enters the courthouse to receive a warrant review.

On the evening of the previous day, a 22-year-old Mr. Choi drove a car in front of Seohyeon Station in Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, hit people, entered a department store and brandished a weapon, injuring a total of 14 people.

Choi, who appeared two days after the crime, was consistent in answering reporters’ questions.

[최 모 씨/피의자]

<서현역을 범행 장소로 선택한 이유가 뭐예요?> ″…″

<신림역 사건을 모방한 겁니까?> ″…″

After 20 minutes of screening, I went back to the police convoy without saying anything.

[최 모 씨/피의자]

<왜 범행 저질렀습니까?> ″..″

The court issued an arrest warrant for Choi, citing fears of escape.

Suspicions also surfaced on the Internet that Mr. Choi posted an article suggesting a crime in advance on an online community.

Five days before the crime, a person believed to be Mr. Choi took a picture with a kitchen knife and posted it.

If you look at this author’s previous posts, it is also included that he had a delivery part-time job and that he frequently came and went to Seohyeon Station.

The police also said that they are aware of this article and are looking into related suspicions through digital forensic work on Choi’s mobile phone and computer.

The police are also considering a psychopath test for Mr. Choi.

It was also reported that Choi had excellent academic performance before receiving treatment for social avoidance.

In 2015, when he was in his third year of middle school, he won an award with excellent grades in a computer science competition.

In fact, when I searched for the competition, the winning performance of a student presumed to be Choi was listed.

However, Mr. Choi dropped out of school because of his social phobia, and was diagnosed with ‘schizophrenic personality disorder’ three years ago.

This is MBC News Cha Hyun-jin.

Video coverage: Park Joo-young / Video editing: Jo A-ra

2023-08-05 11:08:35
#Seohyun #station #weapon #riot #20s #arrested #days #crime

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