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Arras: no more admission to the maternity ward of Bonnettes hospital from December 23 to 26

Arras: no more admission to the maternity ward of Bonnettes hospital from December 23 to 26

16:30 – 17 December 2021


The private hospital in Arras has announced the closure of maternity admissions from December 23 to 26 inclusive.

The Ramsay Santé group published an ad on its Facebook page this Friday that should provoke several reactions! Because of a ” lack of staff ” and for “ guarantee the safety of their newborn patients », The management of the private hospital Arras les Bonnettes as well as the Regional Health Agency, have decided to close admissions to the maternity ward and gyneco-obstetrical emergencies from December 23, 8 p.m. until December 26, 8 a.m. . Patients are invited to go to the maternity ward of the Arras hospital center or to another maternity ward.

At present, only co-parents and siblings are authorized during visits to the maternity ward in view of the deterioration of the health situation linked to Covid-19 in Pas-de-Calais. Children aged 6 and over must be masked.

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