Home » today » World » Arogi.gov.gr: The platform for the fire victims – The beneficiaries – has opened – 2024-08-22 17:50:01

Arogi.gov.gr: The platform for the fire victims – The beneficiaries – has opened – 2024-08-22 17:50:01

The arogi.gov.gr platform was opened today for the submission of first aid applications for those affected by the fires of August 11, 2024 in the Attica Region for:

  • businesses and non-profit organizations, as well as agricultural holdings that were affected by the fires and wish to receive first aid in return for a grant, following the issuance of a relevant joint decision by the ministers of Finance, Rural Development & Food, Digital Governance and Climate Crisis & of Civil Protection (Government Gazette B’ 4744/19.08.2024).
  • property owners who were affected by the fires and wish to receive first aid in exchange for housing assistance, following the issuance of a relevant joint decision by the ministers of Finance, Digital Governance and Climate Crisis & Civil Protection (Government Gazette B΄ 4743/19.08.2024).

For the payment of the first aid aid, the beneficiary submits an application through the electronic platform arogi.gov.gr which operates with the contribution of the Independent Public Revenue Authority.

The platform will remain open for submission of applications until Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

The goal, as stated in a statement by the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, is for those affected who are entitled to first aid to submit an application and immediately receive the support they are entitled to as quickly as possible – after completing the necessary intersections.

Beneficiaries are affected people located in the areas of the Municipalities of Vrilissi, Chalandrio, Penteli of the Regional Unit of the Northern Sector of Athens and the Municipalities of Marathon, Dionysos, Oropou, Rafina – Pikermio and Pallini of the Regional Unit of Eastern Attica, of the Attica Region, which were affected by the fires and have been declared a civil protection emergency.

1. First aid against grant to businesses and agricultural holdings

The amount of the first aid aid against a grant amounts to 2,000 euros for serious material damage and 4,000 euros for very serious material damage. Beneficiaries are businesses, agricultural holdings and non-profit organizations that have been affected and are located in the above areas. It is clarified that in order to grant the aid, the details of the applications will be preceded by cross-checking with the details submitted to the relevant Region for assessment and recording of damages by the State Aid Committees of the Region. Also, the amount of the first aid received by each business is offset against the amount of the final grant, as it will be determined, after the losses have been registered by the State Aid Committees of the Region.

In this context, the cooperation of the services of the General Secretariat for Natural Disaster Recovery and State Aid of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection with the State Aid Committees of the Region, as well as ELGA, has already begun, so that the procedures can be completed at high speeds.

2. First aid against housing assistance for houses and buildings

The amount of first aid assistance against housing assistance amounts to 10,000 euros, for building facilities that have suffered severe damage that makes them dangerous for use or dangerously collapsed or completely damaged, or 5,000 euros, for building facilities that have suffered serious damage that makes them render them temporarily unfit for use. Beneficiaries are owners, by full or partial ownership, of professional building facilities, residences and other non-professional use buildings, which suffered damage from the fires, for the properties for which they are also going to submit applications for housing assistance.

The property must have been checked by the levels of the General Directorate for the Rehabilitation of the Effects of Natural Disasters (GDAEFK) of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection to have been deemed dangerous for use (“RED”) according to the re-inspection report or dangerously dilapidated according to the Autopsy Protocol Endangered Building Ready or totally damaged according to Autopsy Report Totally Damaged Building or temporarily unfit for use (“YELLOW”) according to re-inspection sheet or Autopsy Report.

During the application, the properties located in the areas affected by the fires in the above areas are pre-filled, from the current property situation, as formed by the last statement E9 and in accordance with the specific provisions of the KYA. When submitting the application, the corresponding report or Report or Protocol of the GDAEFK levels of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection must be attached. It is clarified that for the granting of first aid against housing assistance, the details of the applications will be preceded by cross-checking with the details of the re-inspection reports and the autopsy reports of the GDAEFK for the characterization of the buildings. Also, the amount of the first aid received by each owner is offset against the amount of the final housing assistance, as this will be determined by the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection with a relevant decision delimiting and granting housing assistance.

Upon completion of the autopsies by GDAEFK, the affected areas will be demarcated and housing assistance will be granted for the repair/reconstruction of the buildings, which will consist of free government assistance (80%) and an interest-free loan (20%) with the guarantee of Greek State. In this context, from the first moment, the recording of the damages has been started by the competent services.

It should be noted that, both for the first aid against housing assistance, and for the first aid against a grant, in the event that the recipient of the aid submits a false declaration or does not submit a relevant file to the competent services or is not finally deemed a beneficiary or the amount to which he is entitled is smaller, the return of the total amount or the excess amount to the Greek State is foreseen.

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