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Arnold Schwarzenegger insulted everyone who did not wear masks

Hollywood actor and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has insulted anyone who does not want to wear masks. He also criticized those who claimed that wearing protective equipment and requiring a vaccine against COVID-19 violated their rights and freedoms.

Schwarzenegger urged everyone to put on masks and think about others. And those who refuse to comply with anti-epidemic measures, called “fools.”

“Yes, you don’t have to wear masks. But you know, you’re fools if you don’t, because you have to protect the people around you, “are the actor’s exact words. He compared the reluctance to wear masks to violating traffic rules. According to him, not wearing personal protective equipment it’s like driving at a red light.

“You’re going to kill someone and it’s your fault,” the actor told CNN journalist Biana Golodriga. Officer Alexander Windman also took part in the discussion. The video was posted on YouTube. According to Schwarzenegger, the coronavirus is the same because without wearing a mask, a person can infect others. He called on Americans to “work together” in the fight against COVID-19, as this is “the only way to defeat the virus.”

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