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Arms to Ukraine, the Chamber approves the motions of the majority, Pd and Third Pole. Rejected that of the 5 Stars-Corriere.it

from Political editorial staff

The centrists: “The government expresses a line”. Foreign Minister Tajani: «Soon Defense Minister Crosetto will bring the decree to the Council of Ministers to extend the decisions already adopted which expire on December 31st»

On the question ofsending arms to Ukraine
the motion of the 5 Star Movement – on which the government had expressed a contrary opinion – was rejected by the Chamber with 193 no, 46 ​​yes and 75 abstentions. Green light, however, to the unitary motion of the center-right: parts of the document, which contains among other things the ok to continue with the shipment of weapons to Kiev, were also voted on by the opposition. Also approved the motion of the Democratic party and that of Action-Iv with the exception of the commitment which provided for «to continue without reservations the activity of economic and military support to Kiev and the Ukrainian people, in continuity with the actions undertaken and the measures adopted by the executive led by Mario Draghi, also through the ‘sending new war equipment, keeping Parliament duly informed of the decisions that are intended to be taken’. The texts of dem and Third pole passed with split votes, with a cross abstention game between the majority and the proposing groups.

The centre-right’s motion commits the government «to support the regulatory initiatives necessary to extend until 31 December 2023 the authorization, subject to the act of direction of the Chambers, for the transfer of military vehicles, materials and equipment to the government authorities of Ukraine in the terms and in the manner established by article 2-bis of the decree law of February 25, 2022, number 14″ and “to take all the necessary initiatives to achieve the objective of defense spending equal to 2% of GDP by 2028, also promoting, within the framework of the reform of the stability and growth pact, the exclusion of investment expenditure in the defense sector from the calculation of budget constraints and to increase the human and financial resources allocated to foreign policy, as a fundamental instrument for protecting the national interest». Meanwhile the foreign minister Antonio Tajaniat the end of the NATO ministerial meeting in Bucharest, he assured: «Soon Defense Minister Crosetto will bring to the Council of Ministers the decree to extend the timing of the decisions already adopted which expire on December 31 for a possible supply of military means to Ukraine, of course, always subject to parliamentary approval».

For support in Kiev, therefore, the executive headed by Giorgia Meloni decided to return to the Chamber. The debate on the motions and e took place in Montecitorio Joseph Contepresident of the 5 Star Movement, had asked for a new framework of intervention “that can no longer be postponed” (here the positions of the parties). «We demand – said the former prime minister when presenting the motion which was later rejected – a passage in the parliamentary halls so that citizens’ right to transparent information is guaranteed. If the government wants to advocate a warmongering line “weapons to the bitter end and zero negotiations” come to the Chamber to say it, to put your face in it “, is the invitation of the pentastellato leader. He clarifies the request: «We demand a change of pace from NATO and the EU. And above all from our country ».

Hector Rosatopresident of Italia viva, asked the executive to “express a line in Parliament”: “The motion of the Democratic Party – he explains – can be shared like ours, the motion of the M5S does not say what the Five Stars say. There is a need to keep the country united on this particular aspect. The government should make an effort to pay attention to this step”.

For Nicola Fratoianniof the Greens and the Left alliance, «the rhetoric of arms up to the conquest of peace is rhetoric as well as being unfounded. Today we need a change of pace. You looked for Putin’s friends among the pacifists when it was clear where to find them, partly with you in this government. Putin is a man of the right, a nationalist of the right, you have to look for his friends on the right, that’s where they’ve always been. A ceasefire is the only thing, the rhetoric of the war of values, which has sacrificed Europeanism in the name of Atlanticism». For these reasons, the group asked for «a change of pace, the need for verification, for a political initiative to build peace. Not at all indifferent, not at all equidistant, let us say peace, above all in the name of the attacked and the victims», concluded Fratoianni. However, the House also rejected the motion by Verdi and the Left with 246 no, 54 yes and 1 abstained.

He voted in favor of the motions committing Italy to continue military support to Ukraine +Europe, as the secretary announced in the Chamber Benedetto Della Vedova: “I hope everyone will agree that there is only one person responsible for this brutality, that there is only one person responsible for the destruction of civilian infrastructure, of the Ukrainian electricity grid, of the fact that in Kiev, in winter, there is electricity for only three hours and that there is only one person responsible for the humanitarian disaster, for the civilian and military lives destroyed by this senseless, unreasonable and unmotivated war: Vladimir Putin. The real issue that divides us is military support for Ukraine. And this is the real theme of the discussion of today’s motions: for +Europe, Italy must continue in the wake of what the Draghi government has done with great seriousness to assist, even in defensive terms, by sending defense instruments, the Ukrainian people”.


November 30, 2022 (change November 30, 2022 | 1:19 pm)

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