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Arms deliveries to the Ukraine: reactions from Lower Franconia

Ukraine is currently in a race against time. You must be able to defend yourself against the Russian major offensive. The discussion about the issue of arms deliveries is therefore getting louder and Chancellor Olaf Scholz is coming under more pressure. He wants to provide military support to Ukraine and initiate another two billion euros for so-called training aid. However, Scholz keeps a low profile when it comes to delivering heavy weapons. This has met with criticism from many parties.

Green for delivery of heavy weapons

Both Anton Hofreiter and Anna-Lena Baerbock call on the federal government to also supply heavy weapons to Ukraine. Würzburg’s deputy mayor Martin Heilig, like the two top politicians from Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, also takes a clear position: “To be honest, I think that we should urgently deliver heavy weapons to the Ukraine,” said Heilig. “I don’t think many people have realized what is actually happening. For me, Putin is actually the worst aggressor since Hitler and Stalin. I don’t think Putin can be stopped except with military force.”

Niklas Wagener (Bündnis 90/Grünen), who sits in the Bundestag for the Aschaffenburg constituency, also expresses his solidarity with the opinion of his party members: “I clearly support the path that Anna-Lena Baerbock has taken as our foreign minister and I hope that we can also send a very clear signal to Putin that we are on the side of Ukraine.”

Paul Lehrieder (CSU) criticizes hesitant action

Paul Lehrieder from the CSU, who represents the Würzburg constituency in the Bundestag, is similarly clear and is just as clear as his party colleagues. He is also clearly in favor of the delivery of heavy weapons, as they are absolutely necessary for the current situation in Ukraine in the war against Russia. For him, however, the federal government is acting too slowly: “The billion that Scholz has now put in the room for Ukraine is nice. But to be honest, you have to say that it only goes through the application budget – it will take months again. “

Bernd Rützel (SPD): “Scholz acts with caution”

Bernd Rützel from the SPD sits in the Bundestag for the Main-Spessart constituency. He defends Olaf Scholz’s actions: “Olaf Scholz is acting carefully and cautiously, I’m very happy about that. We mustn’t trigger a conflagration that could lead to a third world war.” According to Rützel, it is understandable that Scholz is reluctant to deliver heavy weapons. If heavy weapons were to be delivered, Germany would also have to send Bundeswehr soldiers to operate, maintain and repair them.

FDP: “Ring exchange” as an alternative

When asked about heavy weapons, Bundestag member Karsten Klein from the FDP sees the danger that German tanks on Ukrainian soil could exacerbate the situation. A further escalation of the conflict must be avoided at all costs.

For the Aschaffenburger, the option of a so-called ring exchange is conceivable. In the process, tanks from former Soviet stocks in neighboring Eastern European countries would be handed over to the Ukrainian army. “I think that would be a very quick and effective solution, because these weapon systems have been introduced in Ukraine and can be used immediately,” says Klein.

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