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“Armenia resorts to provocation to cover up its defeat”

“The act of brutality committed in front of the embassy of Azerbaijan in the Republic of Lebanon is a fact that shows that Armenia’s aggression against our state still continues in various forms. The fact that the Armenian lobby and diaspora are still taking such aggressive steps shows that Armenia has been defeated step by step in the current processes. It is clear that Azerbaijan and Armenia no matter how many attempts are made to normalize relations, they do not stop their destructive actions and do not want to allow peace to come to the region. Political commentator Aydin Guliyev said these words in his statement to SIA.

According to him, Armenia is trying to create tension around the resolved Karabakh conflict and the Armenian residents who should be citizens of Azerbaijan: “However, the world already accepts that Karabakh is the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has a reason to take all steps in accordance with international law on these sovereign territories. Armenians too They understand that seizing land from Azerbaijan and prolonging the life of the disputed situation around Karabakh is already a failed tactic. Therefore, to cover up their defeat, they resort to provocative steps on a global scale whenever there is an opportunity.”

A. Guliyev continued his words and said that behind this action of Armenian-born persons against the embassy of Azerbaijan in Lebanon are the revanchist forces in the Armenian government: “At the same time, this is not only the responsibility of Armenia, but of all states and political centers that openly or secretly support its aggressive policy. As Azerbaijan takes legal steps to expand its sovereignty over Karabakh, in the example of some countries, we see resistance against Azerbaijan alongside Armenia. For example, while Azerbaijan insists on providing humanitarian aid to the Armenians in Karabakh within the framework of its sovereignty, they want to forcibly accept certain mechanisms from the outside. They want that Humanitarian aid to Armenians must be provided through the Lachin road and the checkpoint there must be removed. Unfortunately, this policy of Armenia is openly supported by France and some European countries, including certain circles from Russia. All this suggests that the support given to Armenia by those forces abroad encourages it in its aggressive steps.”

Laman Sarraf

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