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Armed Police Incident at Tromsø Port Terminal Turns Out to be Misunderstanding with Policeman Identified

When the police received a report of an armed man at the port terminal in Tromsø, they moved out. Finally they tracked down a policeman.

EQUIPPED: Armed and equipped police moved to the port terminal in Tromsø on Monday. It all turned out to be a misunderstanding. Photo: Jørn Mikael Hagen, in Tromsø

Monday 4 March at 23:54

The local newspaper in Tromsø – which from the office has a panoramic view of the harbor terminal at Prostneset – covered the action closely.

The police operations manager emphasized to the newspaper that there was no danger to the public.

They nevertheless moved out with several patrols.

Eventually, the message also came that the situation had been clarified:

– Here we are talking about a misunderstanding that we have checked out, operations manager Robin Lindberg told in Tromsø.

It later turned out that the man being observed was a police colleague.

– He got on the bus at Prostneset and sat in the same row as me, on the other side of the aisle, a witness tells iTromsø.

The person describes that the man was wearing a police belt and had a police badge around his neck.

VG has also been in contact with the witness, who wishes to remain anonymous.

Stopped by the police

The bus, both the man and the police officer, was sitting at the stop in Nordkjosbotn – then the police got on board.

The weapon the man was observed with turned out to be a stun gun.

in Tromsø have spoken to police attorney Bent Strand in the Troms police district on Monday evening.

Strand says that he was not aware of the incident on the Narvik bus until iTromsø called – but he confirms that the incident was linked to the action at Prostneset.

– We clarified the person’s identity, and that he was a police officer on his way home from an assignment. We also got clarification that it was not a firearm, says Strand.

Got to travel on

He says that the man was wearing an equipment belt, containing, among other things, a “tazer”, which is an electric shock weapon and part of the police’s basic equipment.

STOPPED: When the police entered the bus outside Tromsø – they found a police colleague. Photo: Tips

– The police officer had been on a transport mission from his district to Tromsø, without us being aware of this, says the police lawyer to iTromsø.

He states that such assignments occur daily.

– What happened when the situation was clarified?

– The police officer was allowed to continue his journey home with the equipment he was wearing.

– Why didn’t the journalists find out what the police’s mission actually consisted of when it had ended? The story did not end at Prostneset.

– You can ask yourself that. There was actually no information that came to my attention until you called from iTromsø this afternoon. They must have considered the incident resolved, as no weapon was found at Prostneset, says Strand.

2024-03-04 22:54:45

#Police #action #Tromsø #report #armed #man #colleague

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