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Armed group assassinates at least nine people at a roadside hostel in central Mexico | Univision Criminality News

An armed attack at the San Fernando hostel, located on the Pan-American highway Celaya-Salamanca, in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato, left nine people dead as a preliminary balance.

Through a report issued to emergency number 911, support was requested after staff and diners had been assaulted by an armed group.

According to AM local newspaper, paramedics and municipal police of Villagrán arrived at the place and found 3 people lying in the parking lot and inside two women and 5 men. Lifeguards treated the victims, but confirmed that nine of them had already died.

So far, the identity of the victims and the reasons for the aggression are unknown. Nor have the authorities pronounced.

In the area were found caps of different caliber and close to the victims, from the parking of the trailers to inside the restaurant, according to the local newspaper Zona Franca.

Upward homicide figures

Guanajuato has had a violent start to the year with a total of 188 intentional homicides during the first 14 days of this 2020, according to daily reports of murders of the National Security Commission (CNS) of the Secretariat of Public Safety and Protection (SSPC).

The day with the most violent deaths occurred on January 7, with a balance of 23 people killed, according to figures provided by state prosecutors and federal agencies.

What happens in Guanajuato?

The entity governed by Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo is experiencing a wave of violence due to the dispute between the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) and that of Santa Rosa de Lima, considered responsible for the violence in the so-called “red triangle of the huachicol”.

The authorities recognize that the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) and the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel dispute the territory.

The dispute to gain territory of control over fuel theft has generated a wave of violence that in the last year registered 1,084 people killed, which is equivalent to around 100 murders a month and three a day, according to the authorities.

In accordance with Mexican Petroleum data, Guanajuato it’s second state with older clandestine fuel intakes in 2018. The first place was occupied by the state of Hidalgo, with 1726 shots in front of 1,547 registered in Guanajuato.

Since he came to power last December 1, López Obrador began a frontal fight against the theft of hydrocarbons that is carried out through the pipelines of the state-owned company Pemex, a crime that generates millions of losses for the company.

Violence continues to break records in Mexico in 2018 (photos)


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