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Armed attack against a Bavarian vehicle in the south of Cesar

The actions of illegal armed groups continue to be felt in the south of Cesar. In the morning hours of this Friday, a truck from the Bavaria company, loaded with beers, was the target of an armed attack on the road that connects the municipalities of Río de Oro and Aguachica.

The vehicle was intercepted by a group of armed, hooded men, who forced the occupants to get out and set the truck on fire. The damage was total, both in the bodywork and in the load it was carrying.

Cesar’s Secretary of Government, Eduardo Esquivel, stated that two versions of this fact are being investigated, that the subjects would be from Farc dissidents and the other is that they would be men from the National Liberation Army, ELN.

“Because it has direct access to Catatumbo, the area where the event occurred is vulnerable to this type of attack. Insistently, from Cesar, we have alerted the Ministers of Defense and the Interior that the dissidents of the Farc, Clan del Golfo and common delinquency are in the area. That the breeding ground is cocaine, the drug that comes directly from Catatumbo and has coverage in that sector,” said Esquivel.

This fact generated chaos on the road, and the passage was blocked by the authorities while they attend to the emergency and begin investigations.

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