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Armda will start building 500 covid drugs in Letany on Saturday. sla are catastrophic, said Babi | Home

Prague According to Prime Minister Andrej Babie (YES), the number of drugs outside the hospital due to the coronavirus epidemic should be increased this weekend. It is necessary to buy 3000 beds from the Linet company, in addition from the same company 1000 drugs for tk cases.

Before leaving for Brussels, Grandma told the newspaper that due to the expected sweat of the sick, he also contacted the Polish zazen and talked to the Bavarian party. But he wants the Czech Republic to manage the Czech Republic itself. Both Bavaria and Saxony have expressed a willingness to accept patients with coronavirus in the vnm state.

According to Linet editor Tom Kole, the company has yet to produce, weave in elevators in the Kladno region and will also use its production capacity in Germany. Lka should be delivered in November, said Kol.

We must speed up the construction of spare capacity, this is an absolute round, said Babi. According to him, the arm and the midst of the crisis should be over by the weekend. The staff was entrusted to the hospital director. They have propositions on what to do, said the Prime Minister.

Even though you may have promises of help from neighboring countries, if there are too many sick people, according to Babie, the government is long enough for the Czech Republic to stand on its own. There will be an uphill rise, we have many promises. Let’s not rely on it and let’s do it at home, he said.

According to the DPA, the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Sder confirmed, among other things, that Bavaria had a willingness to accept patients with coronavirus in the new state, according to the DPA meeting. In Bavaria, according to him, the capacity utilization per unit is intensively more than 40 percent.

According to the TAG24 news server, Saxony received enough help from the Czech Republic. His premier Michael Kretschmer promised that in the event of the need of the associations of land countries Czech patients with covid-19 will accept. On Wednesday, Kretschmer, in an interview with Der Spiegel magazine, reported to tourists returning from the Czech Republic and Austria as the main reason for the disease in Saxony. On Thursday, however, he denied that the country could cross the border with the Czech Republic. We relied heavily on Czech workers, he said.

According to Babie, the construction of overcapacity will be the best at this weekend. Nemme as, the forecast is not good, the slaps are catastrophic and indeed very, very fast, he stated. To buy new drugs, he said that they are in the mass reserves, but they will not be enough. Jan Hamek (SSD) later announced the full construction of a field hospital with 500 troops to be erected in Prague’s Letany. Armda is able to build it within ten days after preparing her for a bird over the government.

According to Babie, the means of protective aids are sufficient if some hospitals make mistakes, they have to address a medium crisis.

New capacity in Letany

The government was asked to build a field hospital in Prague’s Letany. It can take up to 500 drugs and will result in a growing sweat in patients with covid-19 and a lack of drugs in standard hospitals. Defense Minister Lubomr Metnar (for YES) told the newspaper that the army would provide 100 drugs, the rest will be from the State Material Reserves Administration (SSHR). Armda is able to build a hospital within ten days of the government’s release. Due to the size of the HV hospital, in addition to military personnel, civilian personnel will also have to.

The Cabinet should then approve at its extraordinary five meetings, where it will address such materials as the economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic and related measures. The army will develop the infrastructure of a field hospital in the arena to build the PVA EXPO Prague Letany, and will then build a medical facility with a capacity of 500 drugs, which will be on standby, the Ministry of Defense said in the press.

Metnar said that the army would provide material and personnel. It will have to be supplemented by medics and medics from civilians. Today, our doctors and nurses are fully serving her in military and civilian hospitals, and our capacities are not running smoothly, he explained. Armda not to use a nurse no. According to the commander of the headquarters for operations Josef Kopecký, the coordination of personnel is fully within the competence of the Ministry of Health, the army is able to serve all 100 drugs.

Armda will provide ten fully automated stations, intensive care units, X-rays, CT and laboratories, said Metnar. The carriage took place from military stations in Hradec Krlov and Bystice pod Hostnem, he said. According to Metnar, it is not a problem to supply the valve unit to the cadmium component. Specific information on how many people will be needed for the operation and security of the hospital will be clear, and the builder will finish his work as a soldier. The Ministry of Health will decide which patients will be in Letany.

According to Metnar, the activation of the Tchonn Biological Protection Center is not suitable, because the area in Letany will have capacity. We would also have to withdraw personnel from military and civilian hospitals to Tchonno. It is better to build it with vt capacity elsewhere, put the aspect is the location in terms of transport, he said.

In addition to military material, it also uses SSHR methods. Its chairman, Pavel Vagr, stated that he managed 2,500 drugs and was ready for their quick removal and import to the city. From the beginning, the filling soldier will evaluate the condition of the infrastructure and decide how equipped it is necessary to add. Place the hospital in the premises of their pavilions. Two halls out of seven were to be used, said the newspaper Tom Kotr, director of ABF, which provided trade fairs in Letany.

The capacity of field hospitals is set at 100 drugs. Because the hospital facility in Letany will have the capacity to install the necessary materials, such as cables and mobile toilets, from other workplaces. They began to meet the SSHR as needed. Whether cars with equipment will come to the city on Saturday is not clear, according to military officials.

Aid from the Material Reserves Authority

The first mass reserves (SSHR) has 2,500 drugs at its disposal and is ready for their quick unloading and import to the city urns, said SSHR chairman Pavel Vagr on Thursday. Stt wants to increase the number of drugs outside the hospital due to the disease covid-19.

We have 2,500 drugs in mass reserves at this time. I instructed us to prepare them for possible quick removal, but it’s not on the table. The medium crisis is that this disposition for the first material reserves is, and as soon as the first moment comes, and if the requirement of a long-term ministry is the premise of the Ministry of Health, we will of course be prepared, said the vagr.

According to Prime Minister Andrej Babie (YES), the number of drugs outside the hospital due to the coronavirus epidemic should be increased this weekend. To buy is filled with 3000 beds from the company Linet, in addition from the same company 1000 drugs for wk cases. According to the Prime Minister, they will not be able to stand in the mass reserves. Linet is able to deliver beds in November.

According to the vagrant, the central debate on the Middle Ages crisis focused primarily on first mapping the situation in spa facilities, or in rehabilitation centers. However, this will be decided by the government and I repeat – as soon as the instruction arrives, our 2,500 drugs will be ready for removal and import to the city of urns, he added.

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