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Arkaden’s New Single “Dispodisko”: A Protest Against a Corrupt System

When the band was dissolved in 2018, no one would have thought that Florian Fussel, Sebastian Gödde and Moritz Hüls from Aufbau West would come together again as a result of a supposed stroke of fate. Luckily, a serious illness that Gödde was diagnosed with turned out to be a misdiagnosis, but the decision to make another record was already made – as Arkaden. Stylistically, with two new members, they now place themselves more in punk than indie. Self-imposed goal: “A pop band with guitars that have the potential for violence in their chests […] sings” – “rabble pop”.

With the new single “Dispodisko” they take up the fight against a messed up system in which humanity often plays a subordinate role. They focus their content on the demonstrations around the village of Lützerath and corporations that smell one thing above all: big money.

“A man leaves the door of his apartment in the morning/ 40 hours and no annual bonus/ The car, the children and the mortgage/ It has been a long time since a man has been asked how he is/ Where there were rivers, there are ditches/ Where there were bridges, there were crows ”, the track says. Thus, Arkaden let their criticism of greed for profit and lack of empathy in the drum-emphasized song in the style of Lygo or the early Marathonmann be loud.

Between all the chaos and global crises, “Dispodisko” works – like the soundtrack for life on credit; a utopia in which, according to the band, “all people are allowed to be as they are and in which human greed is handed over to the cloakroom next to the little sleeper.” There is no big bang at the end of the song, but the piece ends with a scream that makes it unmistakably clear: “If we’re going to go down, then at least we’ll dance on the remains of our hope first.”

The song is supposed to be an “hymn for us losers” like the band in one Instagram-Post announced. They further explain: “Perhaps the ‘Dispodisko’ is also the last rebellion, the toast to (over)life, while lobbyists: inside burn our livelihood.”

Arkaden are playing one remaining date on their summer tour. So the new single will surely be part of the setlist.

Live: The arcade

08/26 Dorweiler – Waldeck Freakquenz Festival

2023-07-06 12:13:17
#Arkaden #present #single #Dispodisko #VISIONS.de

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