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“Arifact News App Launches New Clickbait Flagging and Emoji Reactions Features”

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news-box-content-sub"> byErry Ike Setiawan – editorDenny Mahardy May 24, 2023

Technologue.idJakarta – News app Arifact, founded by the founder of Instagram, launched a series of exciting new features on Monday.

These features not only improve user interaction, but also provide a better experience in reading and sharing articles. Let’s discuss the latest features of this application.

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1. Mark Clickbait Articles and Prioritize Quality Articles

The newest feature of Arifact is the ability to flag clickbait articles. Users can easily mark articles that are deemed misleading via the three-dot menu in the article view or by long pressing in the feed view.

In an effort to improve content quality, companies will use this report as a signal to prioritize helpful articles over misleading ones.

That way, users will find valuable and useful articles more often when using this application.

2. Emotional Reaction with Emoji

Users can now respond to articles more interactively through the emoji feature. Arifact has provided six emojis to choose from, such as “thumbs up”, “heart”, “laughing face”, “angry face”, “amused face” and “sad face”.

Users can easily express their feelings towards the articles they read, adding an emotional dimension to sharing their reading experience.

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3. Sharing Articles as Images with Different Card Options

The article sharing feature in Arifact has also been improved. Users can now share articles directly as images with different card options listing the source name and article summary.

With this feature, users can easily share articles on Instagram stories or save them as images.

Additionally, they can select specific text from articles to share as picture cards, giving them the freedom to share relevant and interesting information.

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2023-05-24 06:13:23 #Features #Arifact #App #Offer #User #Experience

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