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Aries, the day begins under the best auspices: tomorrow’s horoscope, Thursday 20 October

Tomorrow’s Blackbeard horoscope, Thursday 20 October

Aries. 21/3 – 20/4

The day begins under the best auspices, with the accomplice Moon. The good mood takes off and will make you savor the beautiful things that surround you. The help of the Moon in Leo will take off your emotional dreams by giving more confidence to those you love.

Tour. 21/4 – 20/5

Get busy on all fronts, it no longer makes sense to wait. Benevolent Uranus will offer you the right opportunity to seize on a silver platter. Show your inspiration also in the look, propose your ideas and you will see that they will be appreciated.

Twins. 21/5 – 21/6

With the Moon in sextile to Mars, at work act according to your convictions with the right determination, and you will reach an undisputed and deserved success. To stay in shape, regularly practice outdoor sports and go for walks.

Cancer. 22/6 – 22/7

Offer the best of yourself to whoever interests you, then wait for events to evolve. The situation will take a different path from what you are hoping for. Avoid situations that are unclear or that put you in a position to compromise questionable.

Lion. 23/7 – 23/8

Thanks to today’s beautiful stars, if you want to continue putting wood on the fire of union with your sweetheart, carry out the projects developed together. Hostile Saturn invites you to slower, but more rewarding, and hitherto unexplored opportunities.

Virgin. 24/8 – 22/9

To resolve a misunderstanding with your partner, accept the opinion of a friend who sees things objectively, not being emotionally involved. Because of Neptune in opposition to Pisces, you could be overwhelmed by a flood of uncertainties.

Weight scale. 23/9 – 22/10

The Moon is in sextile to the Sun and to Venus, which is square to Pluto: do your utmost for a friend who asks you for help. Tomorrow it may be you who need it. With Mercury in the sign, you will have a good dialectic to give incisiveness and credibility to the proposals.

Scorpio. 23/10 – 22/11

Today you will recover all those things that for one reason or another you have left on one side so far, and you will feel joy and lightness in doing so. You will be enabled to show off your resources, and you will have the recognition of your merits.

Sagittarius. 23/11 – 21/12

Because of enemy Neptune, don’t be fooled by appearances by judging at first glance the people you are approaching. Be more cautious and circumspect! Also look carefully at the food, and discard it immediately, if it appears not very fresh or not genuine.

Capricorn. 22/12 – 20/1

With Venus square to Pluto, you will discover in whom you love shades that you have never caught. You will be setting up some engaging projects. An outing with friends could be an opportunity to have a meeting that will involve you a lot.

Acquarium. 21/1 – 19/2

Despite the mischievous Moon, if you are in love, the climate is satisfying. If you are alone, joy, meetings, understanding will be your watchwords. With your charm, you will challenge any rivals. If you are looking for love, someone will make your head spin.

Fish. 20/2 – 20/3

Thanks to Uranus in sextile from Taurus, you will be able, together with your partner, to make a good contribution to your already stainless bond in tandem. Do not be enchanted by the persuasive words of those who promise you eternal love from the first meeting.

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