Home » Health » Aries Supriyatna Encourages City Government to Prevent Diphtheria Transmission in Bandung – JURNAL POLRI

Aries Supriyatna Encourages City Government to Prevent Diphtheria Transmission in Bandung – JURNAL POLRI

Jurnalpolri.com, BANDUNG, – The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) of the Republic of Indonesia determined an extraordinary event (KLB) of diphtheria in Garut Regency, West Java at the end of February 2023. This is of course a concern of the community so that the spread of Diphtheria can be handled properly.

Chairman of Commission D DPRD Bandung City, H. Aries Supriyatna, SH, MH, encouraged the Bandung City Government to take swift steps so that this could be properly anticipated. Moreover, the city of Bandung has experience in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic that occurred in early 2020.
“Hearing this case, of course we have to be more vigilant. On the other hand, with the experience of all of us, including the city of Bandung, in dealing with a pandemic. The Bandung City Government, in this case the Health Service, is more prepared than yesterday’s experience. So the Health Service knows what to do so that diphtheria cases do not occur in the city of Bandung,” said Aries, while attending as a guest speaker on the OPSI talk show, on PRFM Radio Bandung, Tuesday (07/03/2023).
In fact, even Aries, the Bandung City Government must prioritize various efforts so that this Diphtheria case does not occur in the City of Bandung. Starting from clean and healthy behavior activities (PHBS) to DPT vaccination at posyandu.
“This imminent threat must be responded to as a priority by the Bandung City Government seriously. We learned from the Covid-19 pandemic yesterday. Monitoring system and outreach to the community must be considered. I heard that there is already an immunization program (DPT) that needs to be continuously improved through activities at posyandu. As long as this has not been heard of and should not be in the city of Bandung,” said Aries.
Aries also emphasized that the Bandung City DPRD, in this case Commission D, will support from an allocation perspective related to the efforts of the Bandung City Health Service in anticipating diphtheria cases so that this does not happen in the capital city of West Java Province.
“We will support the budget allocation for diphtheria prevention. This is a dangerous threat,” he explained.
He also asked people who feel symptoms of the disease to immediately check their condition to the Puskesmas. This is to prevent the spread of infectious disease cases in the city of Bandung.
“If there is something, the community can quickly come to the Puskesmas to check their condition. This is of course important to isolate the spread of infectious disease cases. So that we can anticipate that the Covid-19 incident will not happen again,” he said.
Aries also reminds all parties to be really serious in dealing with the threat of infectious diseases.
“We shouldn’t be playing games, we have to remember how painful it was, we were down during the Covid-19 pandemic, both in terms of health and the economy,” he said.
He also hopes that with the role of all parties, both the Bandung City Government and the community, they can prevent Diphtheria cases from happening in Bandung City.
“Of course I hope and pray that the people of Bandung will be given health and together we will avoid various threats of infectious diseases and let us maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle,” he said.* (red)

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