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Aries and energetic Gemini, discomfort for those born under the sign of Pisces

L’Horoscope of Paolo Fox of the weekend. Paolo Fox scans the stars and gives us the forecast sign by sign, from love to work. Positive weekend for almost everyone, with those born under the sign of Pisces who should have some extra attention. Here are the horoscope predictions in detail:

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ARIES: A weekend to be lived with great energy, especially on Saturday and considering that those born under this sign are coming out of a difficult period. There will be meetings not to be underestimated. Beware of the opposition of the moon.

TORO: The moment of agitation, however, does not take away energy, even if the return home will be tiring. A few more discussions on returning to work.

GEMINI: A prolific period in which new ideas are born. Attention from a financial point of view, where a lot of caution must be used. Avoid controversy.

CANCER: Fatigue does not prevent the return of love. There will be changes, while over the weekend those born under the sign of cancer will have to be careful what they say.

LEONE: Good ideas are circulating and the week looks promising. On Saturday you will feel the need to be next to your loved one.

VIRGIN: Positive period at work and also in personal life, where some complications can be resolved. With the desire for change, love could be put back into play.

WEIGHT SCALE: At the moment there is still some small discomfort, but big news and clarifications are coming. Projects that seemed blocked may actually not be …

SCORPIO: There is no lack of energy, especially tomorrow, but romantic relationships must be kept under control.

SAGITTARIO: Tiredness but luck in love, with new possibilities and some matters of the heart to clarify. Incoming calls with positive news.

CAPRICORN: Jupiter assists you, good work and new meetings despite some misunderstandings. At the weekend you could give in to melancholy.

AQUARIUM: A positive weekend. Desire to go far and new possibilities, like that of a self-employed job

FISHES: During the weekend some uncomfortable situations and difficult mornings. We need to clarify some situations at work.

Last update: Friday 21 August 2020, 12:47


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