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Ariège: the beautiful story of Blacky and Lassy, ​​the dogs saved in Lavelanet

the essential
Begun last year, the animal rescue journey led by the Lavalanetian association the Compagnons des Animaux comes to an end. In a beautiful way. But what an adventure …

March 2020, a couple finds a puppy on the edge of a forest in the Pays d’Olmes in Ariège and contacts the association before returning to the place… And there, amazement! About 500 yards away lives a pack of three adult dogs – two females and one male – and fourteen puppies on their own. With the help of the Lavelanet gendarmerie, and two veterinarians from the Ronron and Chaton, Limoux, and Chat libre, Ax-les-Thermes, Les Compagnons des Animaux associations, and thanks to social networks, the puppies are recovered .

Four months to restore dog confidence

There remained the three adults who, fearful, fled the man. With the advice of Rachel Daubas, behaviorist at Pamiers, a strategy was developed. The animals are baptized, Blacky, Lassy and Xena. “For four months, we went there to feed them and try to give them confidence, explains Amandine Méline, president of the Compagnons des Animaux. At the same time, we contacted and asked the mayors of the territory to help us find a solution. In vain. The SPA had offered to lend us equipment to catch them, but it would have been very difficult, given their behavior, to neutralize them in this way. “

Thanks to many shares on Facebook, the story of the woodland dogs was heard by the emotional singer Krezzy. A chain of solidarity was then created and donations arrived, which made it possible to buy veterinary products, food etc. And the miracle happened thanks to the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, which found them a welcome, a sanctuary in the Creuse.

With the help of a veterinarian, the dogs were put to sleep. But that day, unfortunately, Xena succumbed to cardiac arrest. “It was with a heavy heart that we made the trip to the sanctuary with Blacky and Lassy,” Amandine still laments.

Blacky and Lassy will soon be back in Ariège

The Companions of Animals continued to provide the costs of food and sessions for behaviorist Laura Demars. Today, Blacky and Lassy are socialized and will come back to Ariège. “We have obtained a plot of 500 m2 on the edge of a property to build them a secure enclosure”, welcomes the President.

To make this dream come true, the association is looking for construction material (concrete block, cement, rigid wire mesh with a height of 2.50 m, stakes). Because Blacky and Lassy will never be indoor dogs. Les Compagnons des Animaux thank in advance all people or companies for donations or materials.

Contact with Amandine Méline, at

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