Home » today » World » Arianna Meloni and the Trenitalia nominations, Paita (Iv) asks for an account of the role of the prime minister’s sister. FdI attacks her: “A gang at the service of Renzi”

Arianna Meloni and the Trenitalia nominations, Paita (Iv) asks for an account of the role of the prime minister’s sister. FdI attacks her: “A gang at the service of Renzi”

Arianna Meloni decides on government appointments, even though he does not officially hold any government office? The question is raised by Italia Viva, the party of Matthew Renziafter the article of Republic on the possible replacement of the Trenitalia administrator Louis Corradi con Sabrina DeFilippisCEO of Mercitalia Logistics, the logistics hub of the FS group, and a friend of the prime minister’s sister. But the question alone unnerves FdI, which sends piqued responses, until Arianna Meloni intervenes with a post on Instagram in which she denies having any role in the executive’s choices.

Trenitalia disruptions, CEO wobbles: FdI focuses on a friend of Arianna Meloni

by Giovanna Vitale

But let’s proceed in order. The first to intervene is the coordinator of Iv Raffaella Shirt: “Arianna Meloni was in the newspapers yesterday for her influence on appointments at Rai, today for FS. At this point I ask myself: couldn’t they make her directly minister for the implementation of the program? Parentocracy”. The senator of FdI answers her Sunday Spinelli: “Pathetic – she defines her – she lends herself, under the dictation of the ‘father master’ Renzi, to make unfounded accusations against Arianna, guilty only of being a free woman who has conquered every office she has held with militancy and has not been elected to Parliament thanks to a blocked list. The Paita-style parliamentarians, compliant tools of the male master who hides behind their backs, are causing the struggles for female emancipation to regress by decades. Solidarity with Arianna for these unruly attacks and great sadness for the state of obvious submission of poor Paita”. The Melonian senator adds fuel to the fire Paola Mancini: “The pack leader Renzi, after dictating to his subordinate Paita the attacks against Arianna Meloni, now unleashes his pack of dogs against Senator Spinelli. His methods as a failed provincial boss will not intimidate Senator Spinelli or anyone from Fratelli d’Italia”.

Such a discomposed attack earns a response from Renzi himself: “Arianna Meloni is the wife of a minister, sister of the prime minister but does not appear to have – at the moment – any role in government: it cannot be the parentocracy that leads Viale Mazzini. And today some press outlets have hypothesized that in the next appointments of the FS group a manager considered very loyal to the sister of the Prime Minister will be valorized and Italia Viva with the Honorable Paita has asked for clarity on this issue, so crucial in a month of suffering for those who use the train. No response or denial. We have reached the paradox that the government appointments are discussed in the presence of a close relative of the prime minister and a minister but who has no role in the executive. Fratelli d’Italia is the party of the most unbridled parentocracy but it is unacceptable that no one responds on the merits to the requests for clarification from the opposition”.

The quarrel does not end here. While Italia Viva appeals with a letter to the President of the Senate La Russa, asking with the group leader Henry Borghi to intervene because “the limit has been exceeded”, in the evening the Instagram post also arrives Arianna Meloniwho does not deny the Repubblica article, but attacks: “They want to paint my sister as a swindler and a slimeball. I did not participate in meetings on the nominations”.

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– 2024-08-14 19:44:04

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