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Argentine President’s Emotional Visit to Israel and Plan to Move Embassy Angers Hamas

Argentine President Milai chose Israel for his first foreign visit, and shed tears in front of the “Wailing Wall” with deep meaning. He also plans to move the embassy to west Jerusalem, a move that angers Hamas.

Argentine President Milai sheds tears in front of the “Wailing Wall” in Jerusalem. AP pictures

On February 6, local time, Argentine President Javier Milei appeared in Jerusalem. Accompanied by many Israelis, he visited the Wailing Wall (also known as the Western Wall) in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Milley, who had just taken office as the president of Argentina for more than a month, obviously had a deep meaning in setting the destination of his first official overseas visit in Israel. Moreover, as soon as he stepped onto the tarmac of Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, he said: “My plan is to move the embassy to West Jerusalem,” said waiting Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz.

These remarks were also confirmed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who also expressed a “warm welcome.” It is reported that the two people will hold talks on the 7th local time, and before that, Milley has met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

Milley meets with Israeli President Herzog.

In stark contrast to Netanyahu’s statement, Hamas has expressed its anger, “strongly condemned” Milai, and considered the move “a violation of the Palestinian people’s rights to their land.” rights and violates the rules of international law.” They emphasized that “Jerusalem is still the land of Palestine, which is preparing for war.”

Milley promised to move the embassy to West Jerusalem when he was campaigning. Some commentators pointed out that this was another example of him following the example of former US President Donald Trump. The 77-year-old former US president recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2017 and insisted that it would not have an impact on the Middle East peace process.

Milley wants to move the embassy to West Jerusalem, and some say he is following Trump’s lead.

Most countries do not recognize Israel’s claim to East Jerusalem and all have their embassies in Tel Aviv.

Milais, who had a “kippa” on his head, did not go to Tel Aviv after getting off the plane. Instead, he went straight to Jerusalem and stood in front of the Wailing Wall, which is regarded as one of the holiest places by the Jews. He showed a very pious side. It was easy. Make the uninformed think he is Jewish. Milley has said he considered converting to Judaism but felt it would conflict with his job as president.

Millais stretched out his arms to hug the Wailing Wall and rested his head against the wall. This move was praised by many onlookers, and many even praised him in Spanish.

From the photo, you can see that Milai was crying while holding the Wailing Wall with his hands. He felt very sad and seemed to be empathetic to the suffering that the Jews have experienced in history.

It is reported that during his trip to Israel, Milais will also visit a kibbutz located in the southern region of the country that has suffered cross-border raids by Hamas.

Foreign media reported that although Milai is regarded as a “rock star” in Argentina, his situation has not been smooth.

On the occasion of Milley’s visit to Israel, the reform bill he submitted encountered a major setback and will be sent back to the legislative committee for consideration. It is reported that although members of the House of Commons voted to approve the so-called “omnibus” proposal late last week, many provisions of the bill were rejected during the clause-by-clause approval process.

It is worth noting that although Millais was elected president, his party, La Libertad Avanza, was at a disadvantage in the House of Representatives, controlling less than 15% of the seats.


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A helicopter crashed in southern Chile on February 6. Officials confirmed that former President Sebastián Piñera died at the age of 74.

Former Chilean President Pinera. AP profile picture

Chile’s national disaster relief agency SENAPRAD pointed out that there were four people on board the helicopter when it crashed. One person died and three others were injured. The deceased was later confirmed to be former Chilean President Piñera.

Accident scene.

According to reports, the helicopter Piñera was riding in crashed into Lake Lagolanco in southern Chile at around 3:30 pm on the 6th. The former president and his family often fly here 600 miles from the capital Santiago ( approximately 966 km) of the picturesque area to escape the summer heat.

Shortly after the helicopter took off, heavy rain fell and visibility was low. Outsiders speculated that this might be one of the causes of the crash, but the real cause is still under investigation. In addition, there were four people on the helicopter at the time, and only Piñera was killed. The other three survived. But the identities of the other three have not yet been released, and it is unclear whether Piñera’s wife, Cecilia Morel, to whom they have been married for 50 years, is among them.

After the incident, a person familiar with the matter revealed that Piñera was flying a helicopter at the time, but the information has not been confirmed by investigators, and the destination of the group has not been announced.

But Piñera can indeed fly a plane. He used to often fly his own helicopter to enjoy the beautiful scenery from high altitude.

Data pictures

Upon hearing the news, the current president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, immediately announced that the country would enter a three-day period of mourning and will hold a state funeral for Piñera this Friday (February 9).

AP pictures

Interior Minister Carolina Toha said the former president’s body had been recovered from a lake near the town of Lagolanco. “We remember him because he dedicated his life to public service,” Toha said. “He has been helping lead efforts to combat deadly wildfires in recent days.”

The forest fires in central Chile a few days ago had a very serious impact, killing at least 131 people.

Piñera served as President of Chile twice, from 2010 to 2014 and from 2018 to 2022. One of its achievements was the successful rescue of 33 miners who had been trapped for at least 70 days in 2010, an incident that attracted global attention that year.

Then Chilean President Pinera hugged the rescued miners. AP profile picture

Piñera is also a billionaire. As of this year, his net worth has reached US$2.7 billion (approximately HK$21.1 billion), ranking 1,176th on the world’s richest list.

The son of a politician and diplomat, Piñera spent his childhood in Belgium and the United States. After graduating from a university in Chile, Piñera went to Harvard University for further study, earning a Master of Arts and a PhD in Economics. After graduation, he worked as a university professor and founded a business. He made his fortune by introducing credit cards to Chile in the 1980s. Get rich.

Piñera’s investments include airlines, football teams, television stations, etc., and he has strong assets. After achieving great success in business, he turned to politics. Although he was elected president twice, many Chileans viewed him as out of touch with the country’s rapidly changing society and did not do enough to address severe inequality or address shortcomings in the country’s education system. .

Piñera’s most recent public appearance was last Christmas in the Dominican Republic with former US President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary, as well as former Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. Vacation.

Last year Piñera and his wife Cecilia celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. The mother of four children also shared family photos on social media, proudly claiming to be the grandparents of 14 children.

#Argentinas #president #sheds #tears #Wailing #Wall #plans #move #embassy #angers #Hamas
2024-02-07 07:31:10

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