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Argentine fertilization grew 7% and consumption already exceeds 5 million tons

The Civil Association Fertilizar released preliminary data on fertilizer consumption, which during 2020 it would have been 7% higher than the previous cycle, exceeding 5 million tons.

It should be noted that this year’s fine campaign started with very good nutrition, hoping to achieve record yields and restore the nutrients in the soil. but the drought quickly impacted some planting plans and possible refertilization schemes, with which consumption could have increased even more with other climatic conditions.

In this framework, the entity recognized “The effort of producers to maintain rotations with grass crops and improve the use of technology, both in dosage and in aspects associated with management.”

For the executive manager of Fertilizar AC, María Fernanda González Sanjuan, “this growth in the use of fertilization technology is taking place in a context of good agricultural practices, where the improvement in nutrient replacement will result in a more balanced management and will reduce the negative impacts that are generated when the soil has to meet the requirements of plants at the cost of their natural fertility ”.

One of the important points highlighted by González Sanjuan is that there was a growth in broadcast phosphorus replacement applications, “Which allows improving the quality of environments gradually, providing sustainability to agrosystems.”

He also highlighted that having maintained the participation of grasses in the rotation is a good symptom for the system: “High-yield grasses allow carbon fixation from the environment and take care of the organic matter in our soils.”

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