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Argentina protests GB military exercises in the Falkland Islands – World

Buenos Aires. The Argentine government expressed this Thursday an “energetic protest” for the United Kingdom’s military exercises in the Falkland Islands, whose sovereignty the South American country claims.

“Argentina rejects in the strongest terms the carrying out of these naval, air and military maneuvers in Argentine territory illegitimately occupied by the United Kingdom, which constitute an unjustified show of force,” said a statement from the Foreign Ministry.

According to the part, entitled “Energetic Protest of Argentina”, in the exercise carried out in July “the patrol ship HMS Forth, the British Infantry Company A and the A400M aircraft together with the Typhoons of the RAF 1435 Flight, which they are part of the UK’s illegal occupation military deployment to the Falkland Islands. “

Daniel Filmus, secretary of the Falklands, Antarctica and South Atlantic of the Alberto Fernández government, assured that “the British exercises violate all the recommendations approved by the United Nations and by the agreements of the countries with coasts in the South Atlantic.”

“Argentina reiterates the call to the United Kingdom not to carry out military actions in the region and to resume diplomatic negotiations for sovereignty in the islands under the conditions established by UN resolution 2065,” said the official.

In the part, it is recalled that the UN and other international organizations have urged “both Argentina and the United Kingdom to resume negotiations, in order to find a peaceful and definitive solution to the sovereignty dispute” of the archipelago in the South Atlantic. .

Argentina claims the sovereignty of the Falklands, occupied by Great Britain since 1833. The dispute led both countries to face a war in 1982, which lasted 74 days and ended with the surrender of the South American country. In the conflict, 649 Argentines and 255 British died.

The Argentine government insisted that it will continue “maintaining its rejection of the British military presence in the South Atlantic, struggling for international support, (…) under the premise that this presence is contrary to the region’s policy of adherence to the search for a peaceful solution to the sovereignty dispute. “

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