Home » today » Health » Argentina Launches First Annual Vaccination Campaign Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Bovine Brucellosis – Senasa Coordinates Operations Through 300 Local Entities

Argentina Launches First Annual Vaccination Campaign Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Bovine Brucellosis – Senasa Coordinates Operations Through 300 Local Entities

The National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service (Senasa) reported that all of the health plans continue to be developed.
the first annual vaccination campaign against foot-and-mouth disease and bovine brucellosis, which began on March 11, 2024 in the central and coastal areas of the country.
Vaccination operations are coordinated according to the health strategy defined by Senasa, and are carried out through more than 300 local health entities, which are made up of associations of livestock farmers, private veterinarians and other entities.
The first annual stage of inoculation against Foot and Mouth Disease includes all bovine and bubaline categories and is one of the main prevention strategies to maintain a stable epidemiological situation of the disease in our country.
During this vaccination cycle, calves aged 3 to 8 months are also inoculated against bovine brucellosis in all those provinces where it is applied systematically.
About the vaccine
It should be noted that, as established in Art. No. 11 of Law 24,305, and in accordance with the requirements established in Resolution No. 609/2017, our country allows the import, export, processing, possession, distribution and sale of products intended to prevent foot and mouth disease, which must be authorized by the General Directorate of Laboratories and Technical Control of Senasa who evaluates the conditions of sterility, physical-chemical controls, potency/efficacy in the production of antibodies, safety and tolerance in addition to its purity in order to prevent diseases in animals, among others.
In this sense, those vaccines used for the campaign comply with biosafety standards and the requirements for registration, production and quality control as mentioned.

For its authorization in the Argentine Republic, it must be taken into account that the serotypes of the FMD virus (strains) to be used in the production of vaccines against the disease must be 01 Campos, A24 Cruzeiro, A Argentina 2001 and C3 Indaial, es say that it must be tetravalent.
For more information you can contact the headquarters of the Buenos Aires Norte Regional Center, in the city of Chivilcoy, at telephone numbers (02346) 436271/72/73 or contact Carlos Ortíz N° 46.

2024-03-30 17:52:42
#vaccination #campaign #foot #mouth #disease #advances

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