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Argentina, ‘Br Bertulazzi’s arrest reflects our commitment’

(ANSA) – BUENOS AIRES, 29 AUG – The arrest in Buenos Aires of the Red Brigades fugitive Leonardo Bertulazzi was “the result of the joint work of the Ministries of Security, Interior and Justice with the Italian authorities” and “reflects Argentina’s commitment to the values ​​of democracy and the Rule of Law”. This is stated in a note from the Ministry of Security in Buenos Aires released a few hours after the detention of the former member of the Genoa column of the Red Brigades. The statement also underlines the importance of the Argentine government’s decision to revoke the refugee status granted in 2004 which, together with the renewal of the extradition request by the Italian justice system, allowed the fugitive to be captured. Bertulazzi is one of the many members of the Red Brigades who have chosen to take refuge in South America to escape the clutches of Italian justice. Among the terrorists hiding in Latin America who took part in the Moro kidnapping is Alessio Casimirri, with the battle name Camillo, who has been a refugee in Nicaragua for almost 50 years, where he opened a restaurant, protected by the Sandinista government of Daniel Ortega who also granted him citizenship. The name of Casimirri, among the terrorists to be brought back to Italy, had returned to the forefront after the arrest in Brazil of Cesare Battisti, a member of the Armed Proletarians for Communism group. Also in Nicaragua is Manlio Grillo, indicated as the perpetrator of the Primavalle attack against the MSI member Mario Mattei, in 1973, in which his two children, aged 22 and 10, lost their lives. (ANSA).

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#Argentina #Bertulazzis #arrest #reflects #commitment
– 2024-08-30 04:45:18

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