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Arestovich: Germany is to blame for the front line by delaying arms supplies

Yes Germany would not be delayed and delivered on time as promised Ukraine tanks and other heavy weapons, currently on the front line Luhansk Oleksiy Arestovich, an adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, would not be so heavy in the area on Wednesday.

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“The Russian army is currently having tactical success near Severodonetsk and Lysichansk, which threatens to turn into operational success. How can we explain this? The pace of landing, which we calculated a month ago, has not materialized. The pace was not like that ASV or British but because of Germany. When else did the German Bundestag vote to hand over heavy weapons to Ukraine? But these weapons still do not exist. But if we got Cepard anti-aircraft weapons, Marder armored vehicles, Leopard tanks and howitzers, the situation would be very different now. Germany is indirectly to blame for what is currently happening on the front by delaying arms supplies to Ukraine, “Arestovich told lawyer Mark Feigin on YouTube on Wednesday.

At the same time, he emphasized that a bloc of pro-Russia countries had emerged in Europe, including Germany, Hungary, Italy and France, and that these countries needed to start talks with Russia and take a step towards Russian President Vladimir Putin. “These countries say Putin will immediately agree to talks, make peace, build a new Europe and be all right. The European Commission, for its part, does not agree with this scenario and says that Ukraine must win, but that Putin’s aggression must suffer a strategic overthrow. In essence, Europe is in a serious crisis, “says Arestovich.

It is already reported that the invading Russian troops are sending a large part of the troops, artillery and aviation to the Luhansk region. The U.S. War Research Institute (ISW) says troops are being relocated from several other sectors of the front, withdrawing forces from Izhya, Kharkiv, Donetsk and Zaporizhia. The occupiers, by all accounts, are trying to surround several small groups of Ukrainian forces at the same time – in the Severodonetsk region, in Bahmut and Lysichansk, around Zoloti and Avdijivka.

Russian troops have advanced more than the rest of May last week, but the move is still slow, limited to smaller targets than the Kremlin would like, and is facing Ukrainian defenses.

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