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Arequipa will host the 62nd edition of the CADE Executives business forum

IPAE Acción Empresarial announces that, after 12 years, the 62nd edition of CADE Executives will return to the emblematic city of Arequipa. From November 26 to 28, the imposing ‘White City’ will host the most important business forum in the country.

With the aim of promoting decentralization and putting the challenges and opportunities of the host regions, as well as the country as a whole, on the public agenda, an open application process was established in 2023 to determine the headquarters of the business forum. This year, the city of Arequipa was selected after meeting the rigorous pre-established criteria, demonstrating its ability to host the event in its entirety. Aspects such as accessibility, security, hotel capacity and condition, land and air transportation; among others, they were part of the criteria evaluated and that have been assured by the applicant institution.

The organization extends its gratitude to the regions participating in the process for the selection of the CADE Executives headquarters, whose deadline for submitting proposals ended on February 9. The effort is valued and each of the applicant regions is highlighted in it.

It should be noted that the last time #CADEejecutivos was held in Arequipa was in 2012. The president of that edition was Luis Torres Marisca and the motto of the event was “Business leaders, commitment to Peru.”

Fernando Barrios will be the president in this edition
It is necessary to remember that for this edition, Fernando Barrios, founder and president of the Continental University and the Board of Directors of the Federation of Private Higher Education Institutions (FIPES), will chair the event that brings together prominent leaders from the business, public, and academic sectors. and civil society, to discuss and put on the agenda the relevant issues that Peru requires.

Coming from the Apurímac region, Andahuaylas, Barrios has an outstanding career in management, education, business, health and national politics. He has a Doctor (PhD) in Strategic Management and International Business from the University of Seville – Spain, an MBA from the University of Quebec – Montreal and an Electrical Engineer. He has completed the Senior Management Program and the Management Innovation System at Babson College, as well as the CEO’s Management Program at Kellogg School of Management and the PAD at UDEP.

For 25 years, he has led the Continental Educational Corporation and has been president and founding partner of Caja Centro in Huancayo. In addition, he chairs the Board of Directors of FIPES and participates in the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of IPAE Acción Empresarial. In the political sphere, he was provincial mayor of Huancayo between 2003 and 2006, and held positions in the National Decentralization Council, the SEDAM Water Company and the Public Beneficence Society. Later, he served as executive president of ESSALUD and briefly as Minister of the Interior.

To learn more about the event and its news, follow IPAE Acción Empresarial on its different social networks.

About IPAE Business Action
IPAE is a private, independent, non-profit association, whose purpose is to promote business action to generate solid institutions, sustainable and inclusive economic growth, quality education and equal opportunities for the well-being of all Peruvians. For 64 years, it has contributed to the formation of institutions and initiatives such as ESAN, SENATI, IPAE Escuela de Empresarios, CONFIEP, Identicole, Ponte en Carrera and the IPAE Mide macro-indicator, among others. Throughout its institutional life, IPAE has consolidated the CADEs as the most recognized forums in the country thanks to its continuity and active participation of leaders from the private, public and academic sectors.

#Arequipa #host #62nd #edition #CADE #Executives #business #forum
– 2024-04-24 13:14:29

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