Home » today » Business » Are you thinking of buying a used car? 7 good reasons why there is no time to procrastinate – AutoTN.cz

Are you thinking of buying a used car? 7 good reasons why there is no time to procrastinate – AutoTN.cz

1. Car prices will continue to rise

Due to coronavirus measures, fewer cars are still being imported into the Czech Republic from abroad than before. Between March and May, only 60% of cars were imported compared to the same period last year.

Although the situation is starting to improve according to data from the Association of Car Importers, imports have still not reached last year’s level – in June, even the fewest used cars were imported in the last five years.

Another factor that is likely to drive prices further is the significant decline in new car production. Between March and May, 45% fewer new cars were registered in the Czech Republic than last year. In June, the number of registrations increased significantly compared to previous months, but still remained the lowest since 2014.

The lack of vehicles on the market will make those on offer more expensive. And it has already begun to show in prices – the best period is over and, according to experts, prices will continue to rise.

2. The selection will be weaker, there will be fewer quality cars

Along with the lower number of used cars on the market, there will also be a decrease in quality used cars. At the moment, the interest of buyers is mostly focused on cars between 150 and 200 thousand crowns. Quality cars, especially in this category, will decrease.

3. The number of cars with a twisted tachometer or a hidden accident will increase

“Due to the uncertain or deteriorating financial situation, many people are willing to invest less in cars than before, to which many dishonest dealers will respond, who, in order to meet the needs of customers and offer nice cars at a good price, will turn more tachometers, conceal accidents or vehicles. It can also be expected that lower quality cars will be imported to us from abroad, often after illegal modifications, “says Cebia, which helps motorists fight unfair practices on the Czech used market.

4. You can go on holiday safely on your own

If you want to go on holiday and you are worried about the plane or the bus, it is an ideal option to go in your own car. It’s also more comfortable, as you don’t have to wear a veil during the trip. If you wanted to buy a car in the near future, in addition to a better price and a larger selection, this may be one of the reasons why it will not buy.

5. Detect the fault faster

In addition to economic or emotional reasons, there are also technical reasons. For example, in the summer you can better detect possible faults and defects in engine cooling. On warm days, you can also better check how the air conditioning works. In addition, in the summer you will probably drive a sufficient number of kilometers faster to detect other possible car defects and reasons for a timely complaint.

In summer, you can better inspect and check the condition of the chassis and body, as the vehicle is usually cleaner than in winter. In addition, the light is long, so it will be easy to see the vehicle in the evening. Thus, it will be easier to check for different shades of paint that may indicate repair of a part or an uneven layer of paint that may indicate previous damage to the vehicle. At the same time, pay enough attention to the state of wear and tear of the interior, which will indicate the length of use of the entire vehicle or the level of care the vehicle has received from the previous owner in the past.

6. Fewer people at the retailers will allow you to make peaceful decisions

In the summer, interest in buying a car always subsides, people spend time on vacation and you have more time to decide on buying a car. Less competition from buyers reduces the likelihood that someone will “blow” your car.

7. You have another chance to negotiate a possible discount

Due to the fact that fewer vehicles are sold in the summer than in the spring and autumn, there is a greater opportunity to negotiate a possible discount with the seller. “Some vendors are still allowed for discounts due to the loss of income due to coronavirus measures. But because they want to make up for lost profits, the number of those willing to negotiate a discount will decrease,” Cebia warns.

What not to forget?

Before buying a used car, the buyer should never forget to check the history of the car. This is the only way to easily detect a twisted tachometer, hidden accidents or, for example, the actual year of production.

Just know the VIN code of the car and enter it, for example, into the Autotracer system at www.zkontrolujsiauto.cz.

The system contains more than a billion data on used cars and thanks to it it is possible to trace the history of cars not only with Czech, but often also with foreign origin. “In addition to the twisted tachometer, hidden accidents or the actual year of manufacture, it can be revealed whether the car is leased or leased, stolen, its service history or current market price, for which country it was manufactured or how and for how much it was advertised in the past. , “adds Cebia, which operates the Autotracer system.

It is also advisable to have the car physically checked to see if it has original identifiers and that it is not reworked from more than one vehicle.

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