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Are you sure Francis told Biden to keep commun …

The idea is not mine but a reader of Hispanidad -and of Religion in Freedom– by name Jesus Moreno Ladies, who who sends me the following article. Keep an eye on the data:

The Pope’s Alleged Consent to Biden for Communion: A Biden Lie?

Recently, Biden has said that the Pope has told him that he can receive communion:

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a Biden lie, because:

– If Francis thought this way, the most reasonable thing would have been to see Biden communing in a private Mass with the Pope, since a picture is worth a thousand words. But, how strange, that photo has never been published …

– And if Francisco did not think so, but Biden wanted to make you believe, what better way than to say it publicly after interviewing him? Just what has happened.

For more information, a few months ago Santiago Martin related a piece of news that he considered to be probably true: American diplomacy had requested the Vatican that Biden attend a Mass with the Pope, but the Vatican had rejected the possibility of him attending and taking Communion at said Mass:

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The text of Don Jesús is as brief as it is substantial. I also point to the conviction that the viscous American president has lied.

It is true that the current Vatican information policy drives me crazy and I am not the only journalist to whom it happens. More than clarifying, it confuses. How I long for Joaquin Navarro Valls, the dircom of Juan Pablo II!

And it is true, too, that the smiles of the Francisco-Biden interview, the time that the Pontiff dedicated to, as I believe I have said before, poisonous Catholic Joe Biden makes Biden’s alleged lie plausible.

Because Moreno is also right and yes, I was able to contrast him with sources, not Vatican, although clerical, who during his previous visit to Europe for the NATO Summit and for his interview with PutinGood old Joe, as Santiago Martín points out, tried to force the Pope to allow him to officiate Mass in Santa Marta and for Francis himself to give him communion. It would have been his great victory over the Eucharist. Because Biden doesn’t smell like an atheist or a heretic, hopefully: what he smells like is sacrilegious, a profaner.

Also, if he really told you to make sleeves and caps for the North American bishops, why didn’t the Pope himself give him communion? Has no sense. An image, sorry, a fact, would have been worth more than a thousand debates in the dark.

So maybe Francisco didn’t tell Biden what he says he told him. But nothing would happen because some Vatican spokesman ratified the suspicion … in order to avoid the scandal and even if that meant putting in a saloon the most powerful and most poisonous man in the world, one of our worst citizens and whose Roman ‘feat’ could not end there. Because the last one is that, after warning and giving as true his own opinion that Pope Francis encouraged him to take Communion … he went to Rome, just as he does in Washington under the cover of the Cardinal Archbishop of Washington, another exemplary Christian, Mgr Wilton Gregor.

Biden perpetrated his challenge in a Roman Church, not the Vatican, named Saint Patrick and Religion in Freedom also tells it. By the way, very good the reasons of Joe Ciccone (no, he is not a Sicilian mobster, he is the parish priest of Saint Patrick) assuring that we are all sinners. Man yes, Joe, but you see, the Catechism assures that, precisely, the first condition to receive Holy Communion is to be free from mortal sin and that, otherwise, you swallow your own forgiveness.

Now, the question remains: if it is true Joe, that the Pope encouraged you to continue receiving communion, why didn’t you ask him for communion and go to Saint Patrick?

In any case, and given the scandal caused, nothing would happen because the Vatican clarified if the Pope told the American president not to pay attention to the bishops of his country, a canonically important question in the midst of the synodality era and especially if he also He told him to continue communicating calmly, a central, important and relevant question, without surnames.

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