Drinking coffee can have many good effects on your health. However, too many cups can cause intoxication.
Drinking a moderate amount of 1-4 cups of coffee a day is good. Moderate coffee drinking has been found to be associated with, among other things, a reduced risk of liver and uterine cancer, Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.
For example, in the Finnish CAIDE study, drinking coffee has been linked to a lower risk of memory disorders. Regular coffee apparently protects the nervous system.
Caffeine, magnesium, niacin and antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid in coffee have a positive effect on brain health.
The caffeine in coffee affects the central nervous system: it stimulates and can increase alertness.
Problems can arise if you drink a lot more coffee, such as 5–10 cups of strong coffee a day. Especially those who are hypersensitive to caffeine experience the adverse effects of caffeine as annoying even from small amounts: the pulse increases, you may feel arrhythmias, blood pressure rises and urine output increases.
Caffeine also makes it difficult to fall asleep, reduces the quality of sleep and shortens the night’s sleep. Some feel that caffeine does not affect sleep at all: there are hereditary differences in the effect.
Drinking a lot of coffee, among other things, raises blood pressure. In addition, it can lead to a state of intoxication called caffeinism.
It is a syndrome that includes generalized pain, anxiety, depression, various psychophysical symptoms and decreased performance. Coffee is consumed in abundance, which maintains the space.
It is estimated that up to 10-20 percent of coffee drinkers have this syndrome.

Heavy coffee consumption can even lead to intoxication. Adobe Stock / AOP
Too much in too little time
Symptoms of caffeine poisoning occur easily when too much caffeine is consumed within a few hours. In an adult, symptoms of poisoning can occur with a single dose of 300–400 mg. It is equivalent to about 2–3 bottles of energy drink or 3–4 cups of coffee.
Symptoms of caffeine poisoning include restlessness, nausea, tremors, palpitations and nervousness. In severe poisoning, convulsions appear.
If you get 400–600 milligrams of caffeine during the day, but it is consumed evenly throughout the day, the peak concentration of caffeine in the blood will be lower. In this case, the harms of caffeine appear as withdrawal symptoms when the caffeine intake ends.
Children are much more susceptible to harm and poisoning symptoms from caffeine than adults. For a 40-kilogram child, the safe limit is 100 milligrams. However, regular products containing caffeine are not recommended for children under the age of 15.
For pregnant women, the intake recommendation is less than 200 milligrams per day, as the developing fetus cannot process caffeine normally.
The problem can be that the amount of caffeine can increase without noticing, because it is in many foods. In addition to coffee, tea and cocoa, it is found in chocolate, cola drinks, energy drinks, chewing gum, bars and cucumber pastilles.
You don’t have to completely refuse coffee, but you shouldn’t drink too much of it. Adobe Stock / AOP
This reduction can result in:
If you want to reduce your coffee consumption to a reasonable level, be prepared that it will cause withdrawal symptoms at first. The more caffeine you consume, the more sensitive it is to suddenly stop causing symptoms.
1. The head can hurt
By significantly reducing or stopping coffee drinking, the body does not produce as much adrenaline and feel-good dopamine.
Fatigue and headaches also take over when caffeine no longer affects adenosine levels. Adenosine regulates the body’s sleep-wake rhythm.
The symptoms can be alleviated a little by not stopping drinking coffee until the wall.
Reduce the caffeine dosage a little, for example every other day. For example, you can drink only half a cup instead of a cup or continue with decaffeinated coffee.
2. Dizzy and anxious
A lack of caffeine can also result in anxiety, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, insomnia and mood swings.
If you stop completely, the relief is that the withdrawal symptoms are at their worst during the first week. After that, they should start to ease.
3. Constipation can bother you
Caffeine stimulates the intestines. It is common to have to go to the bathroom after morning coffee.
Giving up caffeine can initially slow down bowel function and even cause constipation. By increasing the amount of fiber-rich whole grain products and vegetables, drinking a lot of water and exercising, you will feel better.
Reducing or completely stopping can also have positive effects: If coffee has upset you, your stomach will definitely calm down.
4. You may lose weight
According to one study, daily consumption of coffee, tea or cola drinks increased sugar consumption by ten percent.
If the coffee contains cream and sugar, one cup can be up to 200 calories.
So giving up specialty coffees can help you lose weight.
5. You feel calmer
Since caffeine is a stimulant, it increases the level of adrenaline in the body and may unnecessarily keep the body in fight and flight mode. Caffeine also temporarily raises blood pressure.
So reducing your caffeine intake can make you feel calmer.
Sources: Terveyskirjasto.fi, Duodecim-lehti, Ruokavirasto.fi, Iltalehti archive
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