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Are you heartbroken? See what happens to your health

Are you heartbroken? See what happens to your health. How many times has this happened in life? Going from the first love to the last. But you must know that when someone breaks our heart, it will not only be our love that suffers, but also our body and our health.

Are you heartbroken? See what happens to your health

The human body is constantly influenced from the outside. If you sleep little you will feel sluggish and tired. If you eat little you will feel weak. And with a broken heart? Physical and emotional pain are triggered by the same area of ​​the brain. So even if it’s not real pain your brain will make you believe it is. A broken heart can also affect the stomach, with cramps and nausea, or it can cause headaches. If you cry for love, you need to know that your eyes can get very swollen. This happens because the tears caused by emotions are less salty. Who would have thought …


As a response to hormonal stress, spots may appear on the body, including eczema or acne. Moreover stress hormones they can also cause problems for the body, also affecting the immune system. These can cause weight loss and pain after eating. But of course there is also the opposite, which is that a broken heart can also make you gain weight. For it is necessary to find solace in something else, and what could be better than food?

How to recover?

However, it is important to get up and recover. You don’t have to live with a broken heart. Exercise, as this produces endorphins which will make you feel better. Work on your pain, this will allow you to take back your life and your emotions. According to Psychology Today, focusing on someone else’s pain will help distract you from your own pain and understand it better.


Don’t exercise? Here’s what happens to your body

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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