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Are you always hungry? Here’s how to quickly placate her

Do you have the unpleasant feeling of always being hungry and not finding a way to appease it? Don’t worry, there are several strategies that can help you solve the problem.

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When it comes to nutrition, there are so many schools of thought. Just as there are different approaches to food. There are, however, some people who have a problem that is often apparently difficult to solve and which consists in always feeling hungry. A condition that can make you nervous, lead to difficulty concentrating and, needless to say, make it practically impossible to stay on a diet even for short periods. The good news is that there are several ways to satisfy hunger. And today we will see some of the simpler ones together.

Because you are always hungry

hungry womanFirst of all it is important to make a necessary clarification. Each of us experiences things differently. And if it comes to hunger, the reasons behind it can be different. The first thing to do when you always feel hungry for no apparent reason, is therefore to contact your doctor in order to eliminate any medical problems. A constant hunger can in fact depend on hormonal problems or metabolic that will be investigated and possibly followed by a doctor.

Once this is done, if hunger persists it may be appropriate to learn how to distinguish between physical hunger and emotional hunger. In this way, in fact, one can exercise to satisfy only the real one, finding other relief valves to the one linked to emotions. If even after this step (which we remember could also require the help of a psychotherapist) the hunger continues, perhaps the problem lies in the way in which we eat.

Often, in fact, you feel hungry because you don’t eat enough or why the wrong foods are chosen. According to the extent of the problem, therefore, it may be useful to ask for help from a nutritionist, in order to understand if and where you are wrong and go to work on the problems to find the most suitable solution.

Now that we know how to move in the correct way, let’s go to the small strategies that can be implemented when you feel hungry even if you don’t have problems that explain why.

The golden rules to stop feeling constant hunger

tired and heavy legs
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Being hungry all the time is not a pleasant thing and ends up pushing people to eat wrong and often not suited to satisfying their needs. For this reason it is always important to rely on a healthy and balanced diet that can provide all the nutrients in the correct way. But what to do if hunger continues?

Always have breakfast. The first rule to follow is to always start the day with a good breakfast. Although it may seem like a trivial advice, the truth is that too many people still avoid doing it and this leads to feeling hungry in the middle of the day by choosing foods that are often wrong to satisfy a need that is destined to reappear shortly after. A breakfast of whole grains, lean proteins and good fats is always the best possible choice.

Eat in a balanced way. Another golden rule is to balance all meals. By always consuming all the macro nutrients, in fact, you are satisfied first and you feel satisfied until the next meal. One way like any other to avoid feeling hungry.

Avoid sugars. Fruit juices, candies and sweets have the bad characteristic of raising blood sugars. This leads to an increase in insulin in the circulation and an increase in the feeling of hunger. This effect can be mitigated by avoiding sugars and choosing more complex foods. For sweets and the like, it is better to limit yourself to a taste and never use them as a snack.

Always stay hydrated. Sometimes a lack of hydration can turn into a need to eat fresh things such as fruit. By drinking correctly, however, you can control this aspect, learning to more easily distinguish between the two needs.

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Make healthy snacks. In order not to get hungry for meals, there are the famous snacks. These, however, must be healthy and nutritious. Dried fruit, unsweetened yogurt with a sprinkling of pistachios, a wholemeal sandwich with low-fat cheese or cheese with a fruit are balanced choices that are able to satiate and satisfy at the same time.

Don’t go hungry. Often people who always feel a great hunger come from times of great hardship, from unbalanced diets and from fasting. This means that when you are able to eat you lose control. And all in an attempt (obviously unconscious) to stock up in case of new fasts. Always maintaining a certain balance in the way of eating is therefore one of the secrets for not feeling constant hunger.

Take off the whims. Still on the subject of renunciations, even eliminating everything you like can be deleterious, especially in the long term. Whether you are on a diet or not, it is important to always feel satisfied. You can make a few small exceptions from time to time (to be agreed with the nutritionist if you are following a plan) or indulge in a pizza or a dessert once a week. In this way, knowing that you can eat when you feel the need, the need to eat whenever you can will become less and less urgent.

Playing sports. Not everyone knows this but doing physical activity puts endorphins and other hormones into circulation that help quench the sense of hunger. This aspect obviously is of great help for those who always feel hungry and is an attempt that is always worth making. Especially because, among other things, it is good for your health.

These simple rules can go a long way in the fight against constant hunger. What matters is learning to listen to yourself and always taking care of yourself and your way of eating.

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