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Are the Instagram avatars coming now?

Snapchat has them, WhatsApp too, and Facebook has them too – personalized avatars. Now these could soon also take off on Instagram.

Instagram is currently working on a new feature that users from other platforms are already familiar with: the personalized avatars. While the digital images of the users are already integrated on the Facebook platform, Instagram could now possibly also follow. At least that suggests a feature test discovered by social media expert Alessandro Paluzzi. Paluzzi shared two screenshots of the new avatar feature on Instagram in a tweet:

The pictures show that in the future, users will have the option of creating avatars and inserting them into the Instagram story via stickers. The personalized images are already very popular on other platforms. With Snapchat, for example, users can even choose clothes for the design of their avatars from fashion collections that have been created in collaboration with big brands such as Levi’s or Ralph Lauren.

Avatars on Instagram: Will the excess of features soon put users off?

With the latest feature test, Instagram shows again that it is constantly working on expanding the platform. Most of the new functions are already known from other platforms. For example the stories or the short video format Reels. Instagram does not seem to worry that users could lose track of them with the constant expansion of features and the platform becomes confusing.

This is exactly what happened to the Facebook platform. The numerous extensions meanwhile deter many users. Instagram has therefore blossomed into an alternative in recent years. Since (too) many features are now also being integrated, users – especially young – users may now prefer TikTok.

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