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Are Szostak and Kubańczyk close? Expert reveals

At the end of March Sylvia Szostak and her husband, Akopannounced that They are breaking up after ten years of marriage. A lot of theories immediately appeared on the web that the influencer may have something in common with Cuban. This coincided with his breakup with Ola Ciupa. What added fuel to the fire was the fact that the couple had recently participated in the show “Good Luck Guys”, where “something more” was supposed to connect them.

Szostak responded quite eloquently to one of the comments concerning her allegedly close relationship with the rapper.

We are waiting for photos with the Cuban – wrote an Internet user, to which she replied briefly: Ok.

The rest of the article is below the video

See also: ONLY WITH US! Leszczak is friends with Szostak. She says about her friend’s breakup: “The subject of Akop is not beaten. She’s a strong woman”

Unexpectedly, at the end of June, Sylwia and Akop informed their fans that they were going on a romantic trip to Paris together. An extensive report from the “city of lovers” appeared on their social media. Everything indicates that they have given themselves a second chance.

Szostak and Kubańczyk, as the stars of the aforementioned “Good Luck Guys”, they showed up at a press conference before the first episode aired. On our Instagram profile there is a short video showing how both of them pose together on the wallsimpering at the photojournalists.

It looks awkward; His body language suggests he doesn’t want to be standing next to her at all; What a shame – we can read in the comments.

The expert assesses the behavior of Sylwia Szostak and Kubańczyk. He draws attention to one thing

We have contacted Maurycy Seweryna recognized expert in body language, to ask him whether the Cuban actually “felt awkward” next to Szostak.

It is obvious that the young gentleman is positioned with his body weight shifted to one leg, which causes a slight deviation from Mrs. Sylwia. Regardless, it turned out that at some point the space between them stopped functioning 2 to 8 cm wide, which separated them and he felt his partner’s arm on his chest – notes the expert.

This resulted in two nonverbal actions that can be interpreted in different ways. The first was a smile that he tried to hide but failed. It was connected with smiling eyes, which meant that it gave him pleasure and satisfaction, and the consequence of this satisfaction, a few seconds after the smile appeared, was running your hand under your nose. This is a signal of satisfaction, i.e. two elements that caused we can assume that Mrs. Sylwia’s contact gave him pleasure – adds Seweryn.

According to our interlocutor, both tried to keep their distancethey did not want to create a situation in which their bodies could touch. Unfortunately, they did not succeed.

Many times on the walls you can see how two people, especially young ones, associated with a certain form of eroticism, dynamism, warmth, stand in a position where they embrace each other. Here they have purposely stood in such a way so as not to even touch each other, although there was this actual touch between them – says Seweryn.

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Anna S.

22 hours ago

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These photos of celebrities with their feet raised are embarrassing. The opposition seems to be leading the way, it’s pathetic.

Izabela S.

23 hours ago

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Normal. Mine too, when we watch movies with beautiful ladies, always corrects something under his nose. I don’t have to ask what and how. And the best thing is that he has no idea about it.

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23 hours ago

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have so much money and dress like that..

I don’t understand the phenomenon of these hideous tattoos, they are ugly

I guess Akop got mad about those photos, because he and Sylwia are not following each other on insta again. 😬

Faces untainted by thought


After thorough analysis, I have determined that the Havanese has scrotal inflammation.

Fanka all…

2 hours ago

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Has Kevin Wungiel returned from his honeymoon in Dąbrowa Górnicza?

Nice cake. Such Krystianek in glasses. He got tattoos and thinks he’s tough but in reality he’s a soft piece of shit.

and who are these children? I don’t know the puppets

Leon Zdziałek

12 hours ago

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Te connoisseur, and why the space from 2 to 8 cm, and not from 3 to 9? Me, prdl, normally a mega connoisseur. The same connoisseur as the editors after international relations

She is known on the German site as Erika, there is even a close-up of her butt

He was fucking her 100 percent, you can see she’s sticking and he doesn’t know how to get out of it

Young people, but they look like they already have at least two loans and a few kids.

Sylwia your fitness is aesthetic medicine.

Jesus drama. Body language, movements, who touched who, should they or shouldn’t they? Embarrassing. I noticed that she has no neck so much.

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