Home » today » Health » Are sweet potatoes really healthier than Dutch spuds? – Wel.nl

Are sweet potatoes really healthier than Dutch spuds? – Wel.nl

From the frying pan, in an oven dish or fried, many people think sweet potatoes are better than regular ones, but whether they are also healthier? That depends on what is important to you.

The originally South American sweet potato can no longer be ignored in Dutch cuisine. The crop has a very healthy image. Especially because it is not a potato, but a tuber, so intuitively more of a vegetable. Nutritionist Manon Wouters in the AD: “The structure of the sweet potato is of course quite similar to a potato. But it is a root vegetable and part of the bindweed family. The normal potato belongs to the nightshade family. ”

But how healthy is that sweet potato really? It contains more sugar than in a regular potato, namely 4.2 grams per 100 grams compared to 0 grams. That is not surprising. A sweet potato is not called that for nothing: it is rather sweet and that is due to the sugar. On the other hand, a sweet potato contains more fiber, which is very healthy and also makes you feel full for longer.

As far as vitamins are concerned, both crops are not inferior to each other. The sweet potato contains a lot of beta-carotene and also more vitamin C and calcium than the regular potato. The Dutch squeaker has more magnesium and vitamin B6. For the line, it does not matter that much which you take. A raw sweet potato contains 98 kilocalories per 100 grams, the regular variant 88.

There is no real winner when it comes to health. So it’s mainly about what you like better. Varying a little is perhaps the best advice.

Bron (nen): AD

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